No more TGM at Arcade Street since a long time. But still a lot of cabs (VS, Shmup, Beatmania, Mario GP, Windjammers...)
Finally i met a Friend living at 50m from the arcade center. He explained it must be closed no later than 10PM and sundays because of neighbours claims. but his appartment was even better : - 2 Egret II cabinet - Dj DAO 2 player deluxe version - and lot of OTAKU stuff (a real japanese OTAKU's appartment) He really gave me good advises about the different DJ Dao models size and buttons (PROs/Cons). And it was exactly what i wanted. I didn't knew it was so hard to play Beatmania arcade game outside japan. Playstation version stopped and have 4 styles late, forcing people to move to Clones if they want to play latest mix... KONAMI don't care about foreign country and even legit owner beatmania cabinet can't access KONAMI network. so foreigners are the cause of copyright issues hey, isn't this remember you another company ?