What does your username mean?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by caffeine, 26 Sep 2007.

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamata_no_Orochiorochi is also a 8-headed snake wich you battle in okami

    Webby originates somewhere from around 1994, when i had internet as one of the first in holland. I soon found out irc and chose the nickname "Cyberweb", a combination of Cyber(space) and (word wide) web. Soon people on irc called me Webby since that was easier and i adopted that as a given nickname. Nowadays it's unfortunatly a very common chosen nickname and people tend to think i'm a girl since it looks like Wendy ... but i still like it. At school we had 3 similar named people in class, so they all called me Webby irl. I even have it engraved in my zippo.
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I will continue to call you jono.. [​IMG] That sounds better for my scenario..

    But don't worry You will appear like M. Bison..In several occasions.. [​IMG]

    Amnesia is the name of one of the biggest nightclub in the world of progressive-house-trance in the north of Spain. (basque country?)

    And it is also the name of a sheet movie..I discovered that the last week..2..
  3. Mine should be pretty much self-explainatory <LOL>... short for Richard F. (Franz) Nagel.

    Now, the "Weeds" part...

    Unlike what many may think, this came about from my country music band days, sort of a stage nickname of "TumbleWeeds" <BG>.

    I also used to do a LOT of camping out in Big Cypress Swamp out in the Everglades of South Florida (Weeds LOVES the swamp!), and over the course of time "TumbleWeeds" was shotened to simply "Weeds".

    I first got into computers back in '78, and (a few years later) was looking for a suitable sig to use in some of the various local BBSs that I used to frequent. After searching through some ASCII tables, the "" character (ASCII 157 in DOS) looked pretty close to me to the "official" Weeds logo - see the original painted logo on the old Weeds camping-gear box here -> http://tang.cmoo.com/~snor/weeds/Weeds_ ... _Large.jpg .

    Many years later, I discovered that the "" character was the symbol for Japanese currency <LOL>!

    Anyhow, all of the above finally developed into "Rich Weeds Nagel", which I still currently use today (and even hold a few copyrights with).

    There ya go... the official history of Weeds <LOL>! -:)
  4. Means nothing. It's just a nickname I've picked up, that sort of stemmed from my surname.

    It's certainly got nothing to do with the foodstuff.

    Of course, the LFC bit is for Liverpool Football Club, as most people here will probably know already.
  5. Thats cool, after all it is the name I am most used to being called.

    I like using M.Bison as a user name, mainly for intimidation purposes, but being addressed as Jono is the way to go for me [​IMG]

    - Jono
  6. Tenebrosity

    Tenebrosity Unregistered

    Tenebrosity means Dark.

    I was trying to think of a new name and I typed dark in an online thesaurus, Tenebrosity came up. So I thought what the heck...[​IMG]
  7. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    ?? [ju-bee] : giving fire [​IMG]
  8. I was reading Macbeth in 11th grade English Literature class, and came across a minor character named Caithness. I thought the name looked so awesome I just had to have it. To this day I think it's the best username ever.
  9. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    When I first started to have a username, I went with csullivan, which is my first initial/last name (Craig Sullivan). I believe the first time I registered a username for anything was for Diablo 1 on battle.net in 1996/1997 (although bnet didn't require you to log in initially, so maybe that wasn't the first). My ebay username is also csullivan, and I've been registered there since June 1998. As I registered for more internet stuff, csullivan would often be taken so I'd use alternate names- Intolerance (one of my favorite Tool songs), Aneurysm (a favorite Nirvana song), Nevinyrral ('Larry Niven' backwards, which I got from a card from Magic: The Gathering), and/or CraigSS (my first name and middle/last initial). Back in 2000, I worked at a call center with a guy straight out of Boston who started calling me "Sully" and it sorta stuck (this was before Monster's Inc, by the way). So now, whenever I register for anything, I start with Sully and then go down my list until I find something available.

    My xbox live gamertag is "Smothermunch," which was part of a multiple choice answer to the question "What was the name of Sonny Crockett's pet crocodile in Miami Vice" in Maxim magazine many years ago. When I'm feeling particularly goofy, I'll use that- it's also my band name in Guitar Hero. (The choice was actually "Dickface Smothermunch Fuckfella III." The real answer was Elvis).
  10. Kitaru is a name I made up when I was 10. I just threw together a couple of syllables so I could make an account for AOL. I never really bothered to come up with anything better, and all my friends are already accustomed to this name. Apparently, it is also a Japanese verb that means coming or returning.
  11. fnord

    fnord Unregistered

  12. TheBigL1

    TheBigL1 Unregistered

    TheBigL1? Well, let's start with how L1 came about. With my real name being Leon, I've had plenty of nicknames thrown to me from time to time, either by family, or some of my brother Max's friends (Lee, Leo, what have you). One particular alias, L1, kinda stuck. I'm not sure where it became Big L1, but you should know that at no point during this process did I even know of the existence of a legendary New York rapper named Big L, who was murdered in 1999. In fact, it just so happened one time when somebody thought I WAS Big L, even though he had died years ago. I couldn't convince them I wasn't, and I couldn't tell if they were just joking or seriously thought Big L had reincarnated or something. Short story? The rapper Big L's career and my development of the nickname Big L1 are entirely unrelated. Well, there you have it; that's how I became The Big L1.
  13. Ow, a pretty old threat, but I like the idea :).

    nicofromtokyo : I picked up the idea from Dimitri from Paris, a famous French house DJ I even had the opportunity to meet few years ago here in Tokyo.

    Ten years ago, I needed an ID to register to Yahoo auctions, so no space, no capitals, and my username was born.

    Unfortunatly, I am using it for 10 years in a bunch of forums, and Google juste gave me 329,000 results in 0.32 seconds with it :o.
  14. Uli


    It means it was hard times in the 70ies, so my parents could not afford a name with more letters.
  15. nahucirujano = nahu (from Nahuel, my name) + cirujano (is the spanish for the english word surgeon, cirujano is a part of one of my favourite rock and roll band's lyrics)
  16. Uh-oh, Zircean, you've got a contender now for the title of Surgeon.
  17. Muf


    Haha, that was my immediate thought as well.

    Muf is the phonetic pronunciation of "mf", which is an abbreviation of "Mindflyer", which is derived from the title of the book Mindflight by Steven Goldin. I first used Mindflyer in 1995, shortened it to mf in 1999, and my friends de-facto turned it into Muf in 2000.
  18. Myl35t0n3 = Milestone in hackerspeak.
  19. Linepiece should be pretty obvious.

    Random Dumb Guy 1: Hey, what's a linepiece?
    Random Dumb Guy 2: I dunno. I heard it's been involved in some game... oh what's it called, something like Tetro, or Tetrad, or something...

    Anyway, the 777 part has a lot of connections:
    1. An awesome TGM player called 777.
    2. Getting a 777 on a slot machine results in a huge payout.
    3. 7 means good luck.
    4. My brain told me to put some numbers in this stupid username, so I did.
    5. My brain also told me to type a Number Five, so I did.
    6. One of my favorite songs in DDR Universe 3 is called 777, with a star over each of the 7's. I honestly have no idea what language the song is supposed to be. I think someone just took Google Translator to get English lyrics.
  20. Wow, I feel really dumb for not seeing that until you mentioned it. :oops:

    I assumed you just mashed your inputs when making your username but it makes so much sense now.

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