Post the results of every single game of T.A. Death you play during the Carnival in this thread. Make a really big list!
From tonight: m games, Gm games. 500 @ 3:30:31 (spent 350-500 on the top half of the matrix... survived it somehow) 669 @ 4:26:43 428 @ 2:57:81 615 @ 4:09:26 064 @ 0:33:35 (auto synchro misdrop at top of stack) 604 @ 4:04:83 699 @ 4:34:06 (synchro misdrop at top of stack, otherwise easily 750+) 476 @ 3:16:71 (spent level 250 onwards on top 6 rows of matrix) 359 @ 2:29:65 464 @ 3:09:25 645 @ 4:15:83 stopping after an m game.
All M games are bolded. Tonight was a warmup night. I wasn't trying for stacking consistency, but rather speed. Now that I'm coming into the Carnival this year with a GM (or two) behind me, I know that the only way to improve now is to play faster. Tomorrow I'm going to try and see how many of my games I can "convert" or "save" into an M with good stacking decisions. Tonight was just an attempt for pure speed. Day 0 454 @ 3:00:00 499 @ 3:18:96 609 @ 3:52:26 478 @ 3:09:78 349 @ 2:28:53 426 @ 2:54:55 249 @ 1:45:43 393 @ 2:43:15 326 @ 2:22:55 446 @ 2:53:80 614 @ 4:11:48 599 @ 4:00:53 588 @ 3:55:85 849 @ 5:14:05 <- Holy shit! 333 @ 2:23:30 406 @ 2:44:90 219 @ 1:32:43 541 @ 3:35:25 766 @ 4:59:48 106 @ 0:48:78 199 @ 1:24:41 843 @ 5:17:13 <- Pretty good! 301 @ 2:03:33 139 @ 1:01:98 380 @ 2:32:13 354 @ 2:14:40 599 @ 3:49:81 Slow... 629 @ 3:49:63 Fast! 199 @ 1:24:58 99 @ 0:49:31 477 @ 3:08:36 608 @ 4:02:71 282 @ 1:57:08 317 @ 2:09:61 550 @ 3:37:50 35 games played
Let's go justin !!! Day 1: The torikan Day 360 2:29:58 422 2:50:33 456 3:05:80 442 3:06 96 499 3:30:21 479 3:20:43 512 3:29:50 YOUHOU 283 2:04:31 504 3:26:70 YOUHOU 391 2:43:18 So, first ten games, already broken twice my last year record (I didn't get any M-rank during last year's carnival) Now moving to my job interview haha
399 330 89 226 355 357 755 (in 5:02:80) 270 241 28 12 558 419 238 652 93 14 343 361 431 357 378 82 232 461 37 214 63 447 22 273 334 355 total:9426 one game forgotten (between 100 and 200) mainly zombie training. Seem my old problems are back (missed irs etc) it's breakfast time now. games under 100 are mostly suicides (yeah I know it's bas )
75 466 99 404 250 399 509 15 328 414 90 99 190 55 299 126 228 512 599 229 39 598 224 106 199 55 189 244 299 22 448 137 354 457 299 477 409 195 332 652 99 108 129 461 500 3:25:90 160 207 379 466 491 277 180 396 500 3:27:78 512 299 411 112 487 723 548 337 500 3:25:30 77 312 85 245 46 399 98 53 447 129 50 570 time for a pause
376 107 180 385 434 110 339 99 387 167 389 96 321 307 321 194 283 412 364 419 149 443 393 376 281 479 285 367 404 113 110
477 @ 3:12:31 648 @ 4:14:48 565 @ 3:45:33 352 @ 2:29:01 206 @ 1:13:43 460 @ 3:12:15 60x @ 3:xx:xx (killed the game over screen too quickly) 505 @ 3:27:00 489 @ 3:18:xx (killed the game over screen too quickly) 223 @ 1:37:90 421 @ 2:53:76 542 @ 3:35:31 226 @ 1:38:40 064 @ 0:32:11 (locked an I horizontal at the top left... it could have rotated so it's just one of those games) 999 @ 6:21:28 see here 944 @ 6:04:11 (Bravo in the hard 20G section)
And here we go. Sunday. Session I @ 19:31 - 19:39 093 @ 01:17:95 107 @ 01:23:15 128 @ 01:30:25 103 @ 01:24:56 210 @ 02:23:98 Session II @ 19:47 - 20:02 138 @ 01:39:86 085 @ 01:08:23 136 @ 01:40:85 170 @ 01:59:30 086 @ 01:06:98 175 @ 02:03:75 072 @ 00:57:13 159 @ 01:56:66 104 @ 01:23:46 099 @ 01:17:63 Session III @ 03:22 - 03:51 190 @ 02:12:91 177 @ 02:00:38 075 @ 00:59:25 099 @ 01:22:91 080 @ 01:06:90 116 @ 01:35:85 099 @ 01:24:93 113 @ 01:28:95 056 @ 00:46:31 104 @ 01:21:70 158 @ 01:41:95 063 @ 00:45:13 087 @ 01:02:13 098 @ 01:10:50 079 @ 00:56:16 093 @ 01:13:08 117 @ 01:31:95 124 @ 01:36:78 108 @ 01:33:36 099 @ 01:33:76 199 @ 02:21:78 Third session is technically monday, but I will count it as sunday since I always play right before bedtime during carneval. Nothing good yet, I no longer have my stick so I will try a wired keyboard tomorrow. Today has been on wireless and sometimes it won't rotate even though it should.
3/27 523 3:30:56 427 2:53:13 218 1:32:13 235 1:40:85 3/28 139 1:05:61 409 2:51:46 526 3:20:55 323 2:19:33 3/29 158 1:15:90 409 2:47:45 265 1:57:00 249 1:50:03 3/30 (goes past midnight) 444 3:04:73 444 2:56:60 206 1:33:38 313 2:12:60 164 1:13:71 292 2:08:63 045 0:28:36 379 2:43:45 389 2:43:40 399 2:48:28 261 1:56:30 490 3:20:66 499 3:17:48 silver sk :/
Monday. Session I @ 21:04 - 21:36 118 116 078 074 216 @ 02:23:06 165 144 136 184 169 089 176 090 151 118 082 112 123 093 037 095 156
Tuesday. Session I @ 14:25 - 14:35 229 @ 02:31:03 099 @ 01:18:01 169 @ 01:57:23 094 @ 00:59:03 057 @ 00:44:53 156 @ 01:46:98 109 @ 01:12:26 199 @ 02:06:35 (this was a good one in terms of stacking + I manually locked but got stuck at 199 for a long time ) Session II @ 15:52 - 16:06 194 @ 02:10:25 133 @ 01:35:43 205 @ 02:20:95 118 @ 01:33:93 099 @ 01:21:51 099 @ 01:09:46 095 @ 01:13:95 099 @ 01:22:15
Thursday. Session I @ 11:49 - 12:03 120 @ 01:35:30 184 @ 01:54:95 051 @ 00:39:73 213 @ 02:07:85 099 @ 01:09:58 150 @ 01:39:06 117 @ 01:21:18 153 @ 01:38:03 176 @ 01:45:86
Not my full log, but two large chunks of it (I didn't omit any specific scores) Some scores from the beginning of the week: 141 112 207 288 172 310 114 187 90 70 181 373 107 151 147 131 288 121 122 108 176 78 137 362 197 187 78 144 125 Some scores from the last few days: 186 99 213 238 229 181 119 199 229 249 153 345 197 165 63 265 278 193 307 108 163 I feel like I've improved in general at survival :'D More consistent. Now to practice 300-400... and get Death M!
Friday. LAST SESSION (I guess) 094 @ 01:16:45 157 @ 01:50:66 151 @ 01:29:98 057 @ 00:38:41 135 @ 01:23:46 Nothing good this year, but I tried. :/
I logged all games and, with some decent computer skills, was able to measure all the values and pull some interesting statistics out. Hopefully next year I can best these numbers. I played every game to the bitter end. No matter how badly I did, I did not reset or omit a single play. Speed is levels per second. Efficiency is the product of level and speed and is really the best measure to look at. It somewhat describes one's ability to play fast and still survive. If my excel skills were better, I would have made a graph. I'll give it a shot later if I find interest to do so. Code: Total Games: 130 Total Play Time: 3:52:54.06 Average Level: 195 Highest Level: 417 - Game 77 Lowest Level: 46 - Game 87 Average Speed: 1.82 Fastest Speed: 2.18 - Game 93 Slowest Speed: 1.26 - Game 3 Average Efficiency: 365.13 Best efficiency: 827.77 - Game 23 Worst efficiency: 067.65 - Game 87 Game Level Time Speed Efficiency 1 212 1:45.40 2.01 426.41 2 213 1:50.66 1.92 409.99 3 056 0:44.56 1.26 070.38 4 187 1:32.65 2.02 377.43 5 118 1:04.46 1.83 216.01 6 135 1:09.13 1.95 263.63 7 277 2:15.20 2.05 567.52 8 203 1:46.08 1.91 388.47 9 070 0:42.66 1.64 114.86 10 113 1:07.36 1.68 189.56 11 326 2:36.40 2.08 679.51 12 062 0:37.96 1.63 101.26 13 124 1:14.56 1.66 206.22 14 090 0:55.58 1.62 145.74 15 228 1:49.20 2.09 476.04 16 164 1:27.21 1.88 308.41 17 199 1:39.85 1.99 396.60 18 099 0:57.86 1.71 169.39 19 185 1:38.38 1.88 347.89 20 055 0:35.95 1.53 084.14 21 208 1:48.50 1.92 398.75 22 264 2:16.43 1.94 510.86 23 403 3:16.20 2.05 827.77 24 158 1:29.06 1.77 280.31 25 114 1:09.96 1.63 185.76 26 263 2:25.20 1.81 476.37 27 331 2:42.35 2.04 674.84 28 090 0:54.14 1.66 149.61 29 190 1:46.71 1.78 338.30 30 299 2:24.76 2.07 617.58 31 211 1:44.10 2.03 427.68 32 250 2:01.48 2.06 514.49 33 148 1:20.10 1.85 273.46 34 238 2:03.35 1.93 459.21 35 158 1:31.43 1.73 273.04 36 229 1:58.51 1.93 442.50 37 234 1:59.50 1.96 458.21 38 114 1:08.73 1.66 189.09 39 254 2:07.40 1.99 506.41 40 134 1:13.91 1.81 242.94 41 083 0:51.51 1.61 133.74 42 239 2:00.88 1.98 472.54 43 245 2:57.13 1.38 338.88 44 229 1:59.58 1.92 438.54 45 127 1:13.50 1.73 219.44 46 318 2:36.10 2.04 647.82 47 289 2:23.36 2.02 582.60 48 189 1:42.05 1.85 350.03 49 128 1:12.05 1.78 227.40 50 153 1:22.81 1.85 282.68 51 186 1:32.96 2.00 372.16 52 133 1:23.76 1.59 211.19 53 261 2:28.41 1.76 459.01 54 152 1:30.70 1.68 254.73 55 084 0:48.25 1.74 146.24 56 221 1:55.06 1.92 424.48 57 084 0:53.93 1.56 130.84 58 136 1:19.43 1.71 232.86 59 316 2:46.55 1.90 599.56 60 190 1:47.93 1.76 334.48 61 211 1:52.38 1.88 396.16 62 111 1:10.51 1.57 174.74 63 118 1:09.18 1.71 201.27 64 267 2:23.30 1.86 497.48 65 171 1:32.66 1.85 315.57 66 175 1:36.90 1.81 316.05 67 216 2:01.53 1.78 383.91 68 183 1:44.31 1.75 321.05 69 326 2:54.93 1.86 607.53 70 199 1:49.41 1.82 361.95 71 142 1:27.51 1.62 230.42 72 303 2:35.36 1.95 590.94 73 235 2:14.66 1.75 410.11 74 233 2:09.60 1.80 418.90 75 272 2:35.36 1.75 476.21 76 308 2:56.26 1.75 538.21 77 417 3:41.45 1.88 785.23 78 219 2:09.18 1.70 371.27 79 335 2:54.45 1.92 643.31 80 238 2:14.35 1.77 421.62 81 208 1:46.41 1.95 406.58 82 099 1:08.60 1.44 142.87 83 238 1:58.21 2.01 479.18 84 113 1:12.98 1.55 174.97 85 142 1:22.51 1.72 244.38 86 102 1:03.55 1.61 163.71 87 046 0:31.28 1.47 067.65 88 140 1:15.73 1.85 258.81 89 365 2:56.16 2.07 756.27 90 074 0:43.78 1.69 125.08 91 198 1:37.65 2.03 401.47 92 233 1:49.61 2.13 495.29 93 325 2:28.86 2.18 709.56 94 053 0:35.90 1.48 078.25 95 234 1:58.28 1.98 462.94 96 305 2:38.20 1.93 588.02 97 126 1:12.68 1.73 218.44 98 169 1:31.16 1.85 313.31 99 091 0:50.80 1.79 163.01 100 115 1:07.85 1.69 194.92 101 144 1:17.55 1.86 267.39 102 346 2:55.11 1.98 683.66 103 087 0:54.05 1.61 140.04 104 129 1:18.08 1.65 213.13 105 345 3:03.16 1.88 649.84 106 192 1:41.53 1.89 363.08 107 199 1:49.23 1.82 362.55 108 099 1:00.18 1.65 162.86 109 153 1:17.70 1.97 301.27 110 178 1:30.50 1.97 350.10 111 231 1:56.75 1.98 457.05 112 136 1:17.25 1.76 239.43 113 269 2:15.31 1.99 534.78 114 099 1:07.63 1.46 144.92 115 241 2:06.71 1.90 458.38 116 333 2:48.23 1.98 659.15 117 095 0:53.70 1.77 168.06 118 199 1:42.15 1.95 387.68 119 212 1:54.86 1.85 391.29 120 293 2:45.38 1.77 519.10 121 303 2:42.91 1.86 563.56 122 152 1:30.15 1.69 256.28 123 240 2:13.65 1.80 430.98 124 224 2:06.83 1.77 395.62 125 329 2:54.81 1.88 619.19 126 268 2:28.58 1.80 483.40 127 141 1:19.88 1.77 248.89 128 266 2:22.11 1.87 497.90 129 161 1:30.45 1.78 286.58 130 163 1:35.45 1.71 278.36