On the right. (one of kevin's games on the left ) Ten ahead of my original death record and best of the carnival so far
We won't reach the precedent DEATH TOLL score. There are at least 1998 points missing because of jago and c_t..
Not with that attitude we won't... There are still a few players left that will likely make a significant last minute contribution, like EIHoppe, SimMarine, Timmy C, mat, jago... I think we have a good chance.
i'll be in Burkina from 01/04 until 09/04(cancelled), and try this evening to play some few games but it require to move lot of stuff for playing TAP. i definitly need another supergun..
Well, now that I've been explicitly called out I really have to put together a good run for carnival now. Unfortunately, the best I've done so far is ~420 which I'd be somewhat embarrased to officially post, haha. (This is what a few months off will do to you...) At least I still have a couple days to get something a little more respectable going, right? Anyway, I'll see if I can throw at least another five to six hundred or so to the toll.
450 @ 3:01:85. Terrible, but I want to at least put something toward the toll in case I don't get anything better/can't play tomorrow. Apparently I am rusty as hell... I am not even going to bother with a screenshot.
I wasn't able to reach my goal this week, but I'll post my scores anyway. (Bold = beginning of a Death session) TOTAL GAMES: 137
This is my contribution... Sucks, but whatever. Could have been m but I got held up at the 299 level stop for around eight to ten seconds.
I did it twice in less than 10 games. Unless you meant without rotating the pieces. Closest I got to m is 499 03:24:xx. I reached 500 a few times, but always between 03:25 and 03:30. I'll play a few more hours today, but it will be difficult to break the torikan. Very close to m clincher and congrats with the new record DDRKirby(ISQ). One last effort everyone; we can certainly do it. batfly and mat help us out! EDIT:
Sorry Ai, I hate not being able to push it above the edge with a Gm, but sadly I have degenerated greatly in Death, due to negligence. Speed is as good as before, or even slightly better probably, but my ability to recover from mistakes has been reduced to almost nothing. I have played many games during the last day or two, but my best has unfortunately been 842 in very early 04:4X-something (EDITed in; This was MAME). I don't have screenshot because I hoped to achieve something greater for sure at that time, sorry. This is pretty embarrassing too I guess, becoming clearly inferior, but this at least adds something to the number. EDIT: The only thing I can be really pleased about is my increased finesse, and the fact that it is now no longer rare for me to receive Silver SK at between 250 and 300 if I focus on playing in such a way. I hope I can bring back my survival skills some time later again. I apologize for my ineptitude, its up to someone else now. I also wish to explain my situation with IRC to anyone who may possibly care, although a bit strange to do here. The account I have/had got suspended, sort of, or, access denied although the instance keeps running, I have yet to sort it out and come up with another solution, but I will try to in the coming days.
Here's my contribution to the toll. A lousy 299. I've played slightly better games, but don't have screenshots. They wouldn't have added that much more to the toll anyway. http://img600.imageshack.us/img600/8726/lousy299.png Mame-keyboard.
I just lived such a painfull experience recently so I can give you some mental support. I had reached a sad state, 2 weeks ago where I was able to get a poor 5XX game in a set of 40 bullshit attempt, with 80% lost before 300. I was really worrying and wondering what was happening. DEATH 300 speed had become a hard thing. I have just stoped for 3 days (the 3 first days of the carnival), I tried to get some good nights (6h30 or +), and I have got then a fantastic session with 3 games at 800+ in 5 first attempts. I had clearly recovered my aggressive manual lock for 400+ and I was almost wondering why the game was so simple at DEATH 500.. So don't worry, and just forget DEATH mode for a moment. Or I should say just forget TGM for a moment. Your score for the carnival is still fucking fast also..