Records: DEATH TOLL 2011

Thread in 'Competition' started by Edo, 25 Mar 2011.

  1. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY


    Welcome to the Carnival of Death 2011 Leaderboard. Only Death Mode scores obtained during the week of the Carnival are allowed. However, just like last year, to enable greater participation, players using Death Mode clones are also allowed to submit scores, provided that ARS with 1 next piece, no hold, and no floorkicks is used. After the Carnival is over, any new personal bests will be copied over to the usual record threads.

    We will be keeping a running total of everybody's Carnival records added together, and this shall be referred to as the "DEATH TOLL". Last year's Death Toll was 20596. Everyone do your best, and let's see if we can beat it!

    When submitting records, please state what you were playing on (e.g. TGM2+/Texmaster Sudden/Nullpo Speed Mania/etc), the level reached, and the time upon death.

    DEATH TOLL: 22082/20596

    orz -------------- 999 @ 06:09:58 - TEX
    rednefed --------- 999 @ 06:20:90 - MAME, keyboard
    Amnesia ---------- 967 @ 06:07:-- - MAME
    Kitaru ----------- 966 @ 06:18:36 - PCB
    KevinDDR --------- 849 @ 05:14:05 - MAME
    batfly ----------- 842 @ 04:4-:-- - MAME
    K ---------------- 839 @ 05:29:10 - PCB
    COL -------------- 782 @ 05:13:75 - MAME
    DeHackEd --------- 754 @ 04:54:86 - MAME, HRAP3
    Rosti LFC -------- 691 @ 04:18:56 - MAME
    cyberguile ------- 686 @ 04:29:31 - MAME
    kx5 -------------- 679 @ 04:20:55 - MAME
    mat -------------- 660 @ --:--:-- - TEX
    Edo -------------- 636 @ --:--:-- - MAME
    DDRKirby(ISQ) ---- 590 @ 03:48:01 - MAME
    sjoecool1991 ----- 561 @ 03:40:41 - MAME
    Deeem2031 -------- 534 @ 03:30:65 - Eirstt
    TWF -------------- 526 @ 03:20:55 - MAME
    Billmaan --------- 526 @ 03:32:36 - MAME
    clincher --------- 500 @ 03:26:80 - MAME
    ^^ --------------- 500 @ 03:27:98 - MAME
    Caithness -------- 500 @ 03:50:61 - MAME, HRAP3
    steadshot -------- 500 @ 03:51:51 - TEX
    Zircean ---------- 478 @ 03:13:26 - MAME
    EIHoppe ---------- 450 @ 03:01:85 - MAME
    PetitPrince ------ 439 @ 03:38:56 - MAME
    SWR -------------- 417 @ 03:41:45 - NullpoMino, Xbox 360 Controller
    Samael ----------- 414 @ 02:48:63 - MAME
    Key -------------- 407 @ 03:19:80 - MAME, keyboard
    mufunyo ---------- 397 @ 02:49:26 - PCB
    Budster ---------- 397 @ 03:20:08 - MAME
    toastyohs -------- 347 @ 03:31:51 - MAME
    Ray Ayanami ------ 337 @ 03:09:08 - MAME, keyboard
    SYN7HOR ---------- 323 @ 03:25:67 - MAME, HFS3
    DrPete ----------- 312 @ 03:00:90 - MAME, keyboard
    Kasumi ----------- 299 @ 02:29:86 - MAME, keyboard
    LadyLily --------- 299 @ 02:36:96 - MAME, keyboard
    Burbruee --------- 229 @ 02:31:03 - MAME
    nicofromtokyo ---- 222 @ --:--:-- - MAME, Dualshock
    Aru-san ---------- 222 @ --:--:-- - MAME
    timc ------------- 007 @ 00:02:36 - Really timc, really?
    Last edited by a moderator: 15 Jul 2011
  2. 609 3:52.26

    Played in MAME.
  3. Preliminary record: 768 @ 5:04:76. Keyboard + MAME
    Will start logging after this one.
  4. best of first night
    416 @ 2:53:90
  5. Playing TGM and TAP for 2 months with a f*** PS2 gamepad on MAME.

    Death best record for now : 174 :oops: (today).

    I'll try to reach 200 during the Carnival!
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    My goal is to get the answer to this question : should I stop or continu to play..

    DEATH 552 @ 3:39:93 (MAME)
  7. 434

    Morning game right after waking up is the best.
  8. 849 @ 5:14:05 (MAME)
  9. Muf


    Woke up half an hour too early this morning.
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Oh you have a NES on the left of your screen..:rolleyes:
  11. 512 3:29:50 Mame
    7th game of this year's carnival gives me more than 7 days of carnival last year.
  12. damnit!
    477 @ 3:05:75
  13. Muf


    These numbers please me. :awe:
  14. to celebrate my new job:
    686 4:29:31
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    oh you have beaten me..
    So hard.
  16. [​IMG]
    I have the inp as well if anyone wants.
    Last edited: 25 Mar 2011
  17. Ai


    Congrats with your new personal best! I'll make sure to post something later today. ^^
  18. COL


    best of the day for me: 755 @ 05:02:80
    Last edited: 25 Mar 2011
  19. 53x (?) in 3:3x on PCB

    I have this hour-long video of me mumbling stupid shit to the camera, it's kind of amusing. I tend to start verbalizing a lot more whenever I'm streaming or taking video. Anyway, I'll try to see if I can make out a more accurate level count from it later, but I'll probably end up beating it later.
  20. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Add 579 (in 3:53.11, texmaster on keyboard) for now. I'll give it a proper go when I get home.

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