hmmmmmmmmm......YES ! So should I read the whole topic to find your message ? Was it about playing versus ? Have we already played ?
You don't have to neglect them to keep up with a low-maintenance hobby like playing some Tetris sometimes.
I neglected TETRIS for the maintenance of my couple, and I lost everything : my girlfriend, and 1 precious year of training.
I think something is wrong if you don't have 30 minutes at some point in the week to chill and keep up with a simple hobby.
It's been so long...I've forgotten. "orz Pitiful solution that does not guarantee a 100% success rate. THEY DO. Fucking hurts. X( The best option is to just make it unavailable; cuts off the temptation. The other option is just become so busy that when you do have spare time, you find yourself sleeping.
Ah, the days when I was addicted. It feels so good, man, to be finally free!! Watch. This will come back and bite me in the a**.
It's still fun every once in a while, but Kitaru and I don't even have Tetris dreams or the 'Tetris effect' any longer. I guess the excitement of figuring out new things is gone and I seen most of it already. But if we ever make a Tetris Worlds MMO... you'll see me there in a heartbeat XD
Hmm...I can see it now. Battles would be Tetris Versus - armour/weapons would give you boosts in battles (+3 instantaneous I-pieces every battle). Spells could give you lag as a side effect or turn your stack invisible. On another note - Tetris dreams?