Hiya Folks, Long time, no type. I recently bought the old(er) Tetris Elements for PC. In the "Tetris.ini" file (located in the game's installed directory), there are the following lines: Code: [Engine.Game.CommandConsole.Aliases] ?=Help() help=Help() mem=DumpMem() quit=Quit() In the "Tetris.exe" executable there are the following entires: Code: Engine.Game.CommandConsole.Aliases Engine.Game.CommandConsole Could not create the Command Console CommandConsoleHeight AllowCommandConsole Any idea of how to enable or display the so-called "command console" (if it indeed exists), and what it does?
The only person I know of who has played that game is caffeine, and he unfortunately doesn't come here any more. You'll definitely have better luck contacting him at harddrop.com, though.