Records: [Ti] Sakura

Thread in 'Competition' started by KevinDDR, 11 Jun 2010.

  1. Code:
    Sakura (Classic Rule)
    Rank     Name             Stage   Clear%     Time     Comments
       1 -- colour_thief ----  ALL     100%     3:47:48 - Played on CT's machine.
       2 -- Poochy ----------  ALL     100%     3:56:96 -
       3 -- Kitaru ----------  ALL     100%     8:01:31 -
       4 -- Oliver ----------  ALL     100%     8:05:40 -
       5 -- Archina ---------  ALL     100%     8:13:16 - First ALL clear!
       6 -- rednefed --------  ALL     100%     9:02:03 -
       7 -- KevinDDR --------  ALL     100%     9:08:83 - Oh yeah! Seattle TGM.
       8 -- MaryHadALittle --  ALL     100%     9:09:23 -
       9 -- Amnesia ---------  EX5     100%     7:44:03 -
      10 -- Billmaan --------  EX5     100%     8:00:71 -
      11 -- nahucirujano ----  EX5     100%     8:24:26 -
      12 -- DeHackEd --------  EX5     ---%     -:--:-- - Played on CT's machine.
      13 -- Zaphod77 --------   20     ---%     -:--:-- -
      14 -- Budster ---------   18      94%     5:50:76 -
      15 -- SWR -------------   16      93%     5:06:58 - Played at Arcade Infinity.
    Sakura (World Rule)
    Rank     Name             Stage   Clear%     Time     Comments
       1 -- [-Steve-] -------  ALL     100%     9:05:20 -
       2 -- Amnesia ---------   16      86%     5:38:98 - 2 attempts

    Maybe this board will go into more depth later. CT wanted a Sakura board, and I just decided to put one up for the time being more or less to show off this ALL. :p
    Last edited by a moderator: 22 Nov 2018
  2. [​IMG]

    That's ALL, folks.
  3. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Wow. How much time to spare after finishing EX7?
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I am EX1 on c_t's machine, but I don't have the time, and I am not sure I kept any picture.
  5. Ai


    I have a video of colour_thief beating the mode in 09:14:46. It's old, but I believe it's still his best game.

    Best know Japanese performances according to the TETRiS-HOLiC site:

    にく ALL 100% 03:19:06 (C)

    にく ALL 100% 03:18:88 (W)
  6. I'll add my best:

    Name: Poochy
    Rule: Classic
    Stage: ALL
    Clear: 100%
    Time: 8:39:56
    Comments: Played at HEY Entertainment in Akihabara.

    Proof screenshot here.

    For the curious, I had 54.43 seconds left when I cleared EX7.
  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Oh o_O

    This picture is wonderfull, your name as 2nd just behind kan.
  8. Any chance that one of you guys could upload a video of a full run in Sakura mode? Would be much appredicated.
  9. I'll try and take one tonight and I'm sure Ai could upload CT's.
  10. SWR


  11. You can watch my first clear here:


    It's a little slow but it'll give you a feel for how to play the mode. Using Hold between levels to skip past unwanted pieces is essential.
  12. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    I'm either EX4 or EX5 and I can't remember which...

    Tree... Face... Death Blocks.. Platforms... Floaters.... a Rocket... Giant X...
    Yeah put down EX4
  13. Well, I just got back from Japan, and I had the urge to make a detour back to HEY right before I left for the airport. The result:


    3:51:20 elapsed at the end of level 20, 1:58:78 left on the clock at the end of EX7, one major misdrop in EX5 that cost me quite some time.
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  15. Nope, my actual record is 8:20:86. I'll have to work on that. :)
  16. Ai


    It's been more than 6 months since you shared the video and if I'm not mistaken it was your best then. Sorry about the wrong information. it shouldn't be too difficult to get the top spot if you focus on the mode. ^^


    Oh and congrats Poochy. Great!
  17. The video was my first clear an is 2.5 years old. It's true I haven't played the mode much, but it hasn't been my record in a long time. No worries though... This thread will keep things clear. :) Anyhow I've made a fresh record:

  18. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Turns out I'm showing EX5. Time unknown. :/
  19. [​IMG]


    It's almost like I know what I'm doing! :p
  20. Wanna make a new video? :3

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