Okay, so here's the deal. Every year (for a couple of years now) there's this huge videogame event organised in Rennes, France with a lot of fighting games tournament but also tons and tons of shmups, dancing games and retro games available for freeplay. I know very well all the main men from this event (since I played fighting games for years before getting in tetris). To give an idea, my brother organises the capcom vs snk 2 tournament there. So one of those main men was in lyon this week end for a street fighter ranking battle and I asked "hey, what about having some tetris grand master cabinets at the stunfest this year". To which he answered "that would be great !" So I create this topic to see if some of you frenchie guys would be interested in coming to tell the guys if we can organise ourself and have two astro cities with TAP and tgm3 And since we're having japanese and americans players for the fighting games tournaments, it would be cool to see some international tetris players attending the event !
I am very interested in attending! cyberguile, you might want to add a few details to the first post, so people can check their calendars to see if they're going to be available (it's going to be taking place on the 9th/10th May, etc)
I know one of my friends who collects arcade figthing games has a taito type X2 with a tgm3 harddrive. Need to know if someone can bring a TAP pcb. As for the astro cities, there will be tons of them so I guess it really won't be a problem. Edo: the event usually takes place in a huge car-parkat "l'espace des deux rives", but they had a couple of problems with them last year so they are currently trying to find another place. As soon as I have more info, I will post them here.
Make sure he also has a Type X motherboard, the Type X2 isn't downwards compatible, and Ti is a Type X game.
Je peut ramener TAP, mais a la seule condition d'avoir la certitude qu'on ai une manette Sanwa correcte, mme s'il faille que je la ramne moi mme, ou paie l'instal.
Okay, more news about date and location just arrived The stunfest X will take place at "l'espace le Triangle", 3 boulevard de yougoslavie, Rennes, France. Will begin on saturday the 22nd of may at 10 AM and end on sunday the 23rd of may at 19PM (non stop) I will add more informations about possible TGM stuff as soon as I have confirmation
Confirmation ! I talked a lot with the stunfest staff this week end at the "festival international des jeux" in Cannes (they helped organising the fighting games tournament for the world game cup) What they told me about the idea of putting some tgm games. "Great idea !!!! No problem to have a tetris grand master stand with a couple of astro city." The stunfest will take place in a 2000 square meters, they will have a 100 m² cinema screen for the tournament finals and... we even might use it to have some sort of tetris contest showed on it !
Par contre pour moi ça fait une trotte et ça coute relativement cher (105€, et je compte pas le logement et la bouffe)... snif.
En meme temps il n'y a que toi qui puisse organiser un TGM meeting en Suisse.. Donc tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire si tu veux ta vangence.
Ik wil dat ook verstaan! Kan toch niet zo moeilijk zijn een beetje Engels te schrijven.. I just checked Google Translate and it's pretty accurate. You'll get the gist. Though I understand that's not your point. There's a French forum that could use a little more activity. Or just provide a translation, but I doubt that'll happen.