JAPAN-EXPO 2009 (Paris)

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by K, 5 Jul 2009.

  1. K


    Il y a fort longtemps lorsque j'ai dcouvert TGM, il a t trs difficile d'voluer sans personne avec qui changer mon intrt pour le jeu, car il n'existait aucune communaut occidentale. Ensuite a force de persvrance et de rencontre, un certain noyau dur s'est cre. Au fil des ans, une communaut anglophone solide et passionne de Tetris/ TGM merge. Pourtant ce week-end, j'ai vu beaucoup de potentiel probablement gch, pour les mmes raison que j'ai voqu au dbut. Beaucoup de franais (ou francophone), vienne sur ce site faute de mieux, mais combien ne parle pas anglais... J'ai ralis cette Japan-expo, qu'il tait plus que temps de crer une communaut francophone autour de TGM/Tetris. Mme si elle restera trs modeste, au moins elle aura le mrite d'exister ne serait-ce que pour les gens qui ne parlent pas du tout anglais mais qui veulent quand mme jouer a Tetris/TGM.

    Voil c'est dit.
    Last edited: 5 Jul 2009
  2. Tu veux crer un truc ? Ou alors une annexe francophone de TC ou de Harddrop ? a serait quelque chose d'intressant faire.
  3. Ai


    I think I they are planning on creating a section for people speaking other languages.

    But if you intend to create a new French TGM site I wish you good luck! ^^ Just try to keep some kind of link with this site.

    And how was the exposition? Did you have a stand with TGM/TAP? How long did you stay and did many people visit?
  4. Je ne sais pas pourquoi tu fais une drame avec a. Certainement, tout le monde supporterait l'ide d'une communaut francophone de TGM.

    Now, this thread needs less drama and more talking about the expo. How was it?
  5. [I used Google Translate]
    I agree with you and think it is very important that to spread knowledge about TGM and Tetris, one must do it in all languages, not just English. So I completely agree with you in wanting to expand the French community.
    Just two points I want to make:
    1.) You are a great asset and indeed a role model for many members of the "Tetris Concept" community and we certainly enjoy your periodic contributions. So we hope you will continue with this.
    2.) Would it not be easy to have a French (and other) language Wiki, much like wikipedia.org has many language versions? Furthermore, there could be specific French forums as AI has said.

    Personally, I find it annoying to always have to create a new login account for every different website that is out there (unless a website utilizes the OpenId.net technology).
  6. Could it be worth having a foreign languages subforum with child boards for discussion in each language?

    So far I can only see it being worthwhile for French, Dutch, Japanese and maybe Swedish, but could be an idea to try and attract more users to the site and expand a little.
    Could be there are a lot of users who lurk but don't feel confident enough with their English skills yet to post in English.
  7. Muf


    Substitute Dutch with German. Dutch people generally have an okay-to-good grasp of English, but statistically much less so for Germans.
  8. I suggested Dutch because of the sizeable number of Dutch players who I know of (and also there's Blokkendoos)

    However, because I know most of the Dutch players because they speak fluent English, I guess that's a self-defeating argument.
  9. Nah, no Swedish forum on here. Sounds pretty useless.
  10. K


    Yeah, too much drama for nothing. I just wanted people to feel how it is when they don't understand alien's language.

    It was the first time i was at Japan-Expo, and honestly it's the shit hell on earth. so hot and so crowded. But globally we had a good moment. :)

    you can mutliply by 5 the amound of people waiting to enter the site. it's just insane, and the queue seems to never end...

    here is the summary stand presentation pictures from staff :


    opening at 10AM :

    TAP :

    i have 2 or 3 video and some pictures but not really related to TAP.;)
    Last edited: 6 Jul 2009
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Oh la vache il y avait TAP ??

    Tu as essay de leur montrer un peu tous ces geek ?
  12. o_O si je savais qu'il y aurait un TAP je serai peut tre venu :)
    Sinon jago, crer une communaut francophone de TGM semble une bonne ide mais bon il y en a bcp des francophones qui y jouent vraiment ? :p
  13. Une douzaine ou deux qui jouent ass srieusement j'dirais.

    Haha I totally need a French spell checker.
  14. K


    Quand j'ai commenc, tous seul. Puis j'ai rencontr ct, Puis Shade et ainsi de suite. La premire anne on devait mme pas etre 10. Il faut bien commencer quelque part.:)
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Il y a du monde c'est sure, et fort en plus, un autre tout jeune vient de faire 999 en sudden c'est dire..(batmann)
  16. tgm c'est une niche donc je vois pas l'intrt.
    Autant crer un pendant de harddrop en franais a me parait plus intelligent.
    Sur harddrop il semble qu'il y ait au moins 3 franais ?
  17. Yavait pas TOJ la Japan Expo ?

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