1. hmm.. that juggling is a problem.... on the one hand i like that one can gravity gun every piece, also flying pieces, on the other hand this enables large comboss... thanks for the hint about "juggling"! i will think about it. 2. whats wrong with he new hard drop key? for me, it instantly drops and locks. 3. thanks to you video, i am now aware that you can use the "up" key to avoid falling of the active piece i need to fix that soon.
I actually used the up key so I could grav gun pieces in really high up rows. If you want, I can show you a video of what the hard drop key does for me.
anyone interested might check out this new release: http://www.cubestorm.com/download.php it contains bugfixes (gravgun) and a new logarithmic cascade delay visualisation. it also contains a thing that was discussed on irc #arika : instead of always kicking right first, you can control the kick direction by holding down the movement keys. no movement key pressed: kick right first. left move key pressed: kick left first. right move key: kick right first. sadly the rotation system is not nearly ARS as i would wish, but i cannot do alot about it without loosing generality (arbitrary complex pieces with arbitrary number of blocks per piece).
new release - cubestorm alpha07. look here: http://www.cubestorm.com download http://www.cubestorm.com/download/cubes ... lpha07.exe new: * fresh scores list * advanced score statistics (even more soon) * fully customizable game profiles * some bugfixes
alpha08: full set of hexominoes: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hexomino.html some multimedia additions, for example howtoplay image: (hold not implemented yet, sadly. mouse lookaround by holding down right mouse button - then you have WASD FPS controls) download: http://www.cubestorm.com/download/cubes ... lpha08.exe
new cubestorm release! * new ingame profile selection * new online highscore synchronisation * new pseudo - "realtime" highscore display * integrated update check download: http://www.cubestorm.com/download/cubes ... 090305.exe ( 2.7 mbyte, no unzipping, no installation required, just download and start immediately!) now you can see your actual position in the highscore list during the game: the new profile selection dialog:
my server was hacked while i was away for a week ( www.ik2009.de - springschool ). www.cubestorm.com is now back online, for the few who might have tried to test the new version.
herc: have you considered making a Linux build? i tried running it in Ubuntu through Wine but it's going at 5 frames/sec.
@jujube: well, a linux should be possible in principle, but currently i am just happy if i find some time to make cubestorm more stable and complete (for example fixing blockout 3d tetris and making local online highscore more complete). do you have 3d drivers (opengl) under linux? otherwise it wont run that much faster even in native mode. probably i should finally move to svn sometimes, so some otherone could do a linux port.
i do have opengl, and games that run natively and use opengl seem to do fine. i understand the need for you to continue improving the game without porting it yet though, so i can wait and see what happens with that.
well. i must confess that i did not abstracted graphics in any way, i just used opengl in immediate mode (directly calling opengl-functions at different places in the over all code), so a rewrite in SDL would mean a complete rewrite. it would be much easier to port the existing code to linux, than to add in a flexible backend for different rendering methods. i was already thinking about using codeblocks ide under windows as a first step for porting. will do that later. currently i am finishing 3d tetris (blockout) mode in cubestorm! finally - a long hetched dream. (even though i know nobody here plays blockout ) but after that i will try to port over from visual studio to codeblocks and then i will try to install some linux, install codeblocks there and try to fight with the remaining troubles of porting.
i've tried to play blockout and i just can't grasp it mentally. it is fairly popular though. i've read testimonials from people who won't play anything else.
why not give it another chance? i suggest you trying out blockout II ( you can download at www.blockout.net ) - it runs fine under windows and linux. try to use FLAT blockset in a very small pit ( 3x3x10 ) - this makes it much easier to play ! sort of BIG mode alike. try to focus on using keys Q, W, E for rotation in the beginning. later you can start using the counter-clock-wise keys A, S, D.