It's the flash that's doing it in your picture. All that light is dulling out the screen. It's like aiming a really powerful flashlight directly at the screen, you wouldn't see much then either.
I can't wait to play Duke Nukem Forever on my new SED display. Hey, wait a minute, SED isn't multi-sync... but laser TV is! I'm waiting, Mitsubishi.
she's like an hour away from me but like i think there's laws and stuff about this. angelbacon lives 15 minutes or so away from me and i keep thinking i see him at the movies. An update! There's some new photos of the event on the website now, many far better shots than DeHackEd and I took. Here's hoping the videos aren't far behind.
Considering I took mine using a crappy cell phone camera with crappier photo sensor, that's not a hard thing to do. And yes, please bring us movies! Another update! This time there's some movies. No full matches yet, but there's the amazingly pun-filled opening ceremonies (that I'm sorry I missed now) and a 4 minute overview of the video that capture a lot of the feeling of the event.