Thread in 'Discussion' started by makalaka, 23 Feb 2008.

  1. Congratulations, and:


    Have one, you deserve it
  2. Muf


    Congratulations ct! Looking forward to the vid [​IMG].
  3. wow, out of nowhere! now do you move on to tgm3 without distraction? or do you bravely tackle master mode?

    big accomplishment. way to go.

    pat on the back. [​IMG]
  4. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

  6. Congratulations and nice job CT. I hope you enjoy every drop of that fanta grape, you've earned it.
  7. Thanks guys. Here's the youtube version. Expect muf to post a high quality version whenever he wakes up.

  8. Wow, that was sudden. Congratulations, colour_thief!
  9. K


    wow wow wow !!!

    congratulation !! ct !!!! [​IMG]
  10. Tony76

    Tony76 Unregistered

    [​IMG] Excellent !! [​IMG]

    Congratulations !!!!
  11. mfm005

    mfm005 Unregistered

    Flicitations c_t! [​IMG]
  12. Muf


    Mirror 1

    Mirror 2

    Mirror 3
  13. ema

    ema Unregistered

    Congratulations !!!
  14. so from first installation to now, how long did it take you?

  15. The first time I played TAP was in MAME when it was first emulated, but I couldn't even run it full speed on my PC, and mostly kept playing TGM1 because that's where all the competition still was for some reason.

    I got the actual game working on a homemade supergun the following winter on my March break. But I sucked so much with a stick, and played so irregularly because it was a pain in the ass to set up, that I don't really feel like counting this.

    I like to count from when I got my Astro City arcade cabinet. That's when I started giving the game the amount of attention it deserved. It was so convenient to simply flick a switch and start playing anytime. And the machine was so heavy that even my rough, forceful, unpracticed joystick technique wouldn't budge the controls. If you count from there it's about 17 months, including several months where I took breaks from playing.

  16. Oh and I never answered this. First I'd say it didn't come out of nowhere... I've got M 18 times in one day before, and have passed level 800 (but yet not passed my previous record of 852) so many times I've lost count. I've definitely felt like GM could come any time for a while now.

    As for my plans... To learn the invisibility takes a long term commitment and I wouldn't see real results for some time. I'll work on it casually, but it won't be my focus. I think I'll try and improve my M time in Master mode for a while, but I intend to move to Ti in full force now. Probably for a long time too, unless I have to start defending my TAP records.
  17. mat


  18. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    hum hhmmm ? [​IMG]

    Maybe I should take this occasion..There is only jago on my way..

    I could become the first as well.. [​IMG]
  19. Congratulations colour_thief. It was about time someone managed it [​IMG]

    I feel re-inspired to have a real go at Death M.

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