Replay forum is nuked...

Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 7 Jan 2009.

  1. By caffeine I think. I don't disagree but it seemed strange to do it without discussion or an announcement so here we are.
  2. Yeah my bad. Not many people were using it, and a couple that were were just posting youtube vids or replays from other hosts, which makes the existence of a replay hosting forum pointless. Live and learn.
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    honnestly, I have not perfectly understood your last post caffeine, I just find not very smart and efficient your decision.
    Now, when someone will put a replay, only 3 or 4 people will be aware, because the thread will be put at the bottom of the thread list before the end of the day.
    then, I really don't see what's the hell with the fact to have 3 main groups instead of 2.

    anyway, I am still sure that this forum need a bit more sorting and organization, but you are the creator, you keep the last word on this discussion.
    Honnestly, if I would be an addicted player of tetris who's just discovering the forum tetrisconcept, I would be disapointed to not know very well where I have to find an information. There is only the wiki which is very well defined and clear.
    I don't want the forum to be as hard organized as a nationalist army, but some separated thread group won't isolate the whole forum and will only make things a bit easier to find..
  4. I was contemplating creating a topic in there, actually. Mainly to link to some (well, ok ONE) TA Death commentaries i've been doing, c_t style, on my games.

    i feel like the nuke could have been justified, but hey, you should at least -warn- people o_o;
  5. What do you mean amnesia? Likewise, I'm having trouble following. Generally when someone wants to put a replay up, they post it in the Records forum or they'll make a video of it and post it in the video thread. That bumps those threads, and just as many people see it (maybe more since I was beginning to just ignore the replay section).

    When you talk about organization and a new person not being able to find things, I get the feeling you're talking about a structured web site with links to different categories (i.e. general strategy section, TGM section, speed section, etc.). The fact is-- I've done that before on's predecessors, and I much prefer the wiki/forum/fully community driven website that is today. As soon as you make a sticky thread of "Everything available at tetrisconcept sorted and categorized," it eventually becomes old, outdated, and stale. I've seen it on a million other forums. That's the same reason I killed the replay forum. I gave it a try to see if it was a good idea, but I realized after enough time that it wasn't going anywhere and wouldn't stay "fresh." I want TC (at least the forum) to stay fresh, you know?
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    ok..You probably know better than me what you do..
    And unfortunatly I have to agree with what you say about outdated and too much structured forum, I also noticed that many time..
    But..I was not talking about a full structure and organisation, but just a little bit more for TC..
  7. Out of interest, how many people actually ever really looked in the replay forum anyway?
    We have respective threads for most of the games, and I'll be far more likely to see a replay video or file if it's in the records thread along with the record than I will in the Records forum, which I basically ignored.
  8. Muf


    I enjoy watching videos-- but downloading and watching a replay file in-game is too much hassle for me. It was bound to fail.
  9. Still the removal could have used some advance notice. Otherwise it'd be hard to distinguish from if the site just got hacked and vandalized.
  10. Ai


    I did use the Replay Section from time to time. I was especially interested in the Texmaster and NDS_TGM save files of other people. I didn't keep all the save files in the Replay Section on my PC knowing I could get them from the site any time I wanted. It was also a good way to track people's progress.

    Maybe someone can creat a thread where people can link to their save files etc.? Or maybe I'll just ask people to post their save files when I think it can be useful. ^^
  11. Noted. Won't happen again, folks.
  12. Yeah, that's all that irked me. I think the decision is a little odd, but I'm totally fine with it and after all you are the admin, not me.

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