Records: [TAP] Master - Big Mode (BIG Code)

Thread in 'Competition' started by Rosti LFC, 24 Oct 2007.

  1. @Caithness how marathon-safe is your big mode game?
  2. upload_2016-1-28_21-7-56.png
  3. Most games end before 200.
  4. FeV


    341.. I would be surprised if I ever beat this. This is stupid hard :(
    Burbruee and Qlex like this.
  5. [​IMG]

    462 (S1) @ 05:02:06
    Qlex likes this.
  6. [​IMG]
    Qlex likes this.
  7. [​IMG]

    ...if scores are still being accepted. x:
  8. Muf


    Only scores from TAP are accepted, not Nullpomino.
  9. D: So I can't join the fun. Okay, then.
  10. ?????
  11. I can't emulate TAP on the laptop I have, so I can't join the slowly-competitive fun here.
  12. The top score on the TGM1 Big mode board says Nullpomino
  13. upload_2016-6-1_20-40-16.png
    3 pbs in one day
    Qlex likes this.
  14. [​IMG]
    FeV and EnchantressOfNumbers like this.
  15. Getting closer...


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