Records: [TAP] Master

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 29 Mar 2007.

  1. Then how are there people who get a green line on their GM games? I thought to get GM you had to survive the M roll.
  2. For Gm games, surviving will give you a green and 32(?) lines get you orange.
    Anything other than that will give you green for top out in credits and orange for survival.
    An M will always be green AFAIK.
    xyrnq and Qlex like this.
  3. FeV


    S9 ( 998 ) @ 9:05:11

    Panicked too much to get a clear. Still feels pretty good to get this.

    Jii, Qlex and CPN like this.
  4. Jii



    Holy fucking shit I did it!
    I've just couldn't believe after messy start that I managed to pull this off. Also it's big shame that I didn't record this, but what's done is done.
    CPN, Snaaahhh, bigwig and 7 others like this.
  5. finally got a 10:19.88 clear yesterday with an S8 (fierceblock)
    FeV and Qlex like this.
  6. FeV


    Holy. Okay. This was a nice run.

    The only requirement I did not meet for M, as far as I can tell, was the tetris requirement in the 800s section. I might be wrong (and I later found that I was), but it is possible to confirm this for tetris requirements by checking the fumen. I am super happy with this run nonetheless! Suicided the credit roll btw, don't really care too much about orange line at this time :p

    Section times:

    Fumen: click
    Last edited: 29 Mar 2016
    Qlex likes this.
  7. upload_2016-4-1_0-51-35.png

    Qlex and EnchantressOfNumbers like this.
  8. [​IMG]

    Not a PB, but a verification GM! I felt like this game went more smoothly than my faster, first GM.

    GM @ 08:30:96

  9. Yes, iirc the tetris only counts when it's during the section. Any tetris in a section transition isn't counted towards any requirement.
  10. FeV


    Oh. xp This is good to know, as TapTracker seems to think tetrises at the boundaries are sufficient. I'll keep it in mind
  11. Is this true? I thought tetrises are counted for the section they started in. So, for example, a tetris at 096-099 will still count toward the first section. TapTracker reads the M-Roll flags from memory, but I'll double check things later today.
    Qlex likes this.
  12. Seriously ??? Lol, I had no idea about this, will stop counterstopping to get that "darn missing tetris" only to get mad when the credit roll starts because "darn, I counterstopped too long grrrr !!!!"
  13. That's gotta be an oversight? So essentially it's better to transition with a single, even if you have Tetris ready?
    Do you people who are able to GM the game actually ever take stuff like that into account? Sounds like it would be a mess to start worrying about those details.
  14. I might review what I wrote yesterday, as I can't find the article that had that info :

    I am almost sure that any line clear "freezes" the scoring events until all the other level-related events are taken into account. If you do a tetris at 498, you will end up at 502, then it looks at the level multiplier and says "oh hey, you're past the first half. Here, have a 3x". (That is also a thing for cools in TGM3)

    So I might have wrote something wrong : The tetris is counted, but not towards the previous section. I was pretty sure I had read something about it, but I really can't find it.

    In any case, the main thing is "should we levelstop and get the tetris?" and I'm 99.9% sure the answer is "no".

    We git gud ;)

    Seriously, I think if you struggle to do a tetris in the middle of your section then you know something's not right. In the first half, it just makes you go faster, and in the second half it's basically mandatory for scoring. So even without counting the tetrises and the levels, you want a stack that's clean and go for a bunch of tetrises. I personally count them past 500, and that just comes down to "did I do one tetris?" -> "let's do one asap"
  15. @Qlex, @Sumez, @FeV, @cyberguile

    With very rudimentary testing (I'm not very good with the debugger), here are some values of the M-Roll condition byte (0x06064BD0):

        M_FAIL_BOTH_1   = 0,   // 00000000 Failing (both) at 100
        M_FAIL_TETRIS_1 = 17,  // 00010001 Failing (tetris) at 100
        M_FAIL_TIME_1   = 32,  // 00100000 Failing (time) at 100
        M_FAIL_BOTH_2   = 1,   // 00000001 Failing (both) between 100 - 500
        M_FAIL_TETRIS_2 = 17,  // 00010001 Failing (tetris) between 100 - 500
        M_FAIL_TIME_2   = 33,  // 00100001 Failing (time) between 100 - 500
        M_FAIL_3        = 19,  // 00010011 Failing at 500
        M_FAIL_END      = 31,  // 00011111 Failing at 999
        M_NEUTRAL       = 48,  // 00110000 Default State
        M_PASS_1        = 49,  // 00110001 Passing at 100
        M_PASS_2        = 51,  // 00110011 Passing at 500
        M_SUCCESS       = 127, // 01111111 Passing at 999
    It's definitely not exhaustive and there may be a few errors since I just played games and tried to fail in certain ways at certain times, but I believe the success values are correct. After the first section (0 - 100), passing all conditions I would leave with a value of 49. When I made the second tetris to pass through the section boundary at 100, I would still leave with a value of 49, so I do think tetrises at boundaries count toward the previous section.

    Someone with more assembly experience than me could dig further into how this value is computed (like the order in which conditions are checked) and get more concrete data.

    I guess this should've been in the R&D subforum...
    Xaphiosis likes this.
  16. FeV


    This is good info to have regardless of where it is on the forum ;p I kinda hope that I really can rely on levelstopping for a tetris, cause getting the M-roll is hard enough as it is, haha.
  17. [​IMG]

    I'm a bit puzzled about how they programmed that. The value never changes between 100-500? I guess it kind of would make sense because there aren't enough bits for all the conditions, but why doing all of this when it's basically just one boolean that writes "you did it" and you can turn it off whenever a condition has not been met? The first bit is never changed (I guess they didn't want to play with the sign bit)?

    It's pretty amazing that you found the proper byte, I would like to do some investigation myself!
  18. I've reached the point where I've (temporarily) topped out for speed in Death & TGM3 Master, so most of my focus & progress is on TAP Master right now. Seeing some rapid gains in the past few weeks. Just came one critical mistake shy of my first clear. Was definitely comfortable with the speed at 900.

    Last edited: 12 Apr 2016
    EnchantressOfNumbers and Qlex like this.
  19. [​IMG]
    Fastest clear, highest rank. Didn't finish the credit roll, but I did that for the first time a few days ago, during PAPA. What a run. S8@10:31:20.
    Last edited: 12 Apr 2016
    Qlex, GyRo and EnchantressOfNumbers like this.
  20. 3 conditions for 10 sections would fit into 30 bits. Even 20 years ago they should have had some memory left for this in a game of Tetris. Maybe it was planned different in the beginning (so it would matter what exactly you missed) but left out later.

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