In Flight Tetris Highscore - One of you guys?

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Jayce, 16 Jan 2015.

  1. So, I've been in the US with work this week and on some British Airways flights (and I assume some other airlines), you're able to play "In Flight Tetris" on the in built entertainment system.

    On the way out, I had a few goes at the "Ultra" mode - score as many points within 2 minutes, and took the first place on the leaderboard.

    For the 40 lines mode, I was only just able to crack the top 4 with something like 1:46, which I realise isn't a great time in itself,and the in flight controls are really twitchy.

    Most of the top 40 times were around the 1:40-50 mark, but the top two places where something like:
    Alex - 1:26
    <Can't remember the name> - 1:10

    So essentially, anyone on these forums travel LON-LAX and responsible for those times? If so, pat yourselves on the back, I don't know how you managed it with those controls :D
    Qlex likes this.
  2. Hah! I was playing this a little under a month ago on an ANA flight to japan (unfortunately, didn't remember where the TGM machines were this time and didn't really have much time to go play anyways). I got the top 40 lines time but didn't bother with anything else. Name input was DDRKirbyISQ, I'm sure, but most likely a different leaderboard...
    Jayce likes this.
  3. Muf


    We could keep a TC scoreboard. Anyone up for making a thread in Competition? :p
    Jayce likes this.
  4. Aha, I caught the return flight yesterday and saw that the scoreboards were different, but the same two names (the first of which I've completely forgotten again, should've pictured it but I was half asleep) were at the top of the leaderboard, it looks like the 1:10 <someone> and 1:26 <Alex> may be default?

    May be merit in a high score thread, depending on how often people encounter this version :D I've only seen it on long haul flights to the US/Canada and Japan, but I'm guessing it's reasonably common :D
  5. Danzel

    Danzel Unregistered

    I saw Alex as first place for all the scores, except for 40 lines which someone managed to get a glitched time or cheat, like 17 seconds!!

    But yeah , I'm 99% sure Alex is Kitaru, one of the world's best Tetris players, I doubt anyone would knock him off the leaderboards quickly, as I said he's top as of today heading to Taipei from Vancouver
  6. <Alex> could also be Alex Ong (Xael) or Alex Baez (Zero_T). Both people, except kitaru, cleared 40 lines in less than 30 seconds.

    How is playing Tetris on an airplane? Is the airplane super shaky?
  7. Alex strikes back

    Oliver and Qlex like this.

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