i need some help quieting my nerves. many games i play end up in sweaty hands, twitching D-pad movements, and terrible over plays that ruin games. i have tried to ascertain if and how diet, sleep, drinking (both booze and coffee), yoga, cat naps, sex, breathing exercises, hard core drugs, prayer, and deep muscle stretching affect my play- to no avail. i need to know the solution for my nervous woes. i want never to misdrop again. signed respectfully, your apprentice learner
Well, I don't think I have an appropriate answer, but I'll still get there since I actually have very few stressful moments and I do believe a bit of explaining from the other side could always be helpful. Excessive training always got me, when regular training is my thing. When I practice an excessive number of hours to get somewhere, I get overly frustrated. However, with a normal controlled rhythm like a daily 5 or something, I very rarely get hindered. Or more especially, I never feel that I am hindered, because I am satisfied with my scores. I would get a Death M in 3:10 and be satisfied with it, even though my PB stands at sub 3 minutes and it's like a milestone. Let's say I have the consistency in mind : It's hard to make something easy every day. Getting a Death M is doable for me, but to get it every day is something. With that mindset, I tend to analyze a mistake as to why it seems like I got stressed out at first glance, but there is something I can compensate with a different way of playing. I know it's not the answer and looks more like a "you gotta believe in yourself" kind of thing, but I'm just trying to provoke a bit of thought from that side. I do think/hope that helps a little!
it does help! i think your bit about having it be very difficult to achieve your PR every day is right on. i expect to break records every day, which obviously is a terrible, impossible idea. i also train WAAAAY too much right. thank god i have to go back to work soon i wont have 5 hours a day to play anymore (that may reduce my stress right there, eh?)...
Embrace it. Before you start your game, envision the intense scenario in which your nerves overwhelm you. Remember that feeling of jittery-ness, heart pounding, sweat rolling down your temples. Imagine that the adrenaline rush is actually helping you, helping you see things more clearly, slowing time down. Remember that movie "Wanted"? Picture yourself responding to the rush the way those characters used it. Once you have pre-visioned yourself becoming super-human, start your game. Once things get good, once the adrenaline starts to rush, remember that it is there to help you, it is there to make you super-human. Use it to step out of yourself, and step into your super-consciousness. Basically, think of the adrenaline as a tool rather than a hindrance. Visualizing it, through transcendental meditation, should help. And to piggy-back what has already been mentioned above, part of the meditation, the pre-visualization, should be reminding yourself that you have no control over the pieces you receive. You can only control what you do with them, and reassure yourself that regardless of what pieces you get, you will simply do what you can with them. You will do the best that is possible with the chance you are given, but the best possible outcome, the most desirable outcome, is not even in your hands, it is left to chance. Either the pieces will come, or they won't, you will simply do the best you can with the cards you are dealt.
Hmm, quite an interesting topic this I would personally recommend the following: Eat before playing (-can’t game on an empty stomach). Be sure your hands/fingers are warmed up/well-stretched prior to playing. Go easy on the caffeine during sessions. Be (relatively) well rested prior to playing. Play in small ‘bursts’ with decent length breaks in-between – e.g. play for 30-45 min than have a 15-30min break. Be ‘realistic’ with daily goals. *Having a drink or smoke (of your preferred substance) in moderation is also helpful for some players – particularly during breaks. - Jono
the triad has spoken. @ josh- very wise words. the things i think are holding me back, like adrenaline and nervousness, are actually evolutionary gifts designed to help me survive peril. i need to remember this. however, fuck meditation. that shit is whaaaack. soooooo boring. @steadshot- don't really know you, but i think it is a great idea to invite myself to your house. i am visiting northern germany this winter for a work trip. wanna chillax? if so, you could potentially explain the meaning of that absurd mccoy/jolie .gif you posted. i still don't get it. HOWEVER- your sig is amazing. i name all of my controllers after something tetris related, and am gonna use that t. spinoza quote. thanks! @jono- you have essentially listed all important components of a good session! i love your style. i usually don't drink or smoke anything before or during sessions, but you what- fuck it- i will start. PS what do you mean by "realistic" daily goals?
Thanks dude I think one or two drinks (or a smoke) is fine before, during and after gaming sessions - but its all about moderation...there's is a fine line between being 'relaxed' and 'sloshed' Realistic goals is something you have to assess yourself as it varies greatly from person-to-person. For instance, a realistic goal for myself would be something like clearing 40-lines in 27 seconds (or less)...my best time is around 25 seconds so if I was 'setting myself up' for daily 25 second runs I would (likely) be pulling my hair out and psycho crushing my keyboard due to the intense 'pressure' and stress *It all about what your 'happy' and satisfied with - Jono
@wasmachstdugern : look for "wanted" (a movie) about stress: when you're close to a goal you really want to achieve you will invariably become very nervous. I think it is all about desensitization.
You could always try a cup of soothing chamomile tea before you start your session. A little Vicks VapoRub on your chest might open up your nasal passages a bit, increasing oxygen intake, which might perhaps settle the nerves a bit. Easy fix = snort a fat line of meth and become limitless I had a run-in with meth in my late teens and early twenties that I barely skidded out of. From experience, I can say Tetris works great high on meth. Embarrassing fact: once, when I was drunk (very), I couldn't beat a couple of tweaked out meth heads who were only "sort of" good at Tetris. Ah, those were the days.
@wasmachstdugern: Sure thing, let me know when you're in Germany, I'd be happy to hang out (full disclosure though: I live in a small appartment and am a NES scrub (~500k) who can't deal with level 19 ). Like COL said, the gif's from the 2008 movie "Wanted" which Joshua mentioned in his first answer. As for the thread I don't have anything to add; I'm guilty myself of playing way too long sessions and having unrealistic expectations.
So I have been thinking about this topic periodically over the past few months...have you had any progress with calming your nerves? - Jono
yes sir i sure did. it is called booze. i took a shot or so before each of my rounds during the competition, and ate some sugar (ie banana, apple, etc) and it seemed to go OK. i never felt nervous at all, or had jittery bugs (until i played jonas).
I have maxed out stupid NES Tetris five times and I still can't max it out because of nerves. I mean, sometimes (five times) I get lucky enough to max it out anyway. But, generally speaking, if I get to 700k before level 25, I get crazy nervous and stupid and then fail. Unbelievable. I will never get to 31 at this rate