[NES] Tetris Score Statistics

Thread in 'Strategy' started by Xerxius, 26 Apr 2013.

  1. I got interested in how to get a higher score in Tetris for the NES, so I started thinking at what level to start to get the highest possible score. I also wondered how the line penalties after level 9 affected the final score outcome. I wrote some code to calculate the maximum possible score for each level. This is what came out of it:

    LEVEL 0: 4800
    LEVEL 1: 10800
    LEVEL 2: 22800
    LEVEL 3: 33600
    LEVEL 4: 52800
    LEVEL 5: 68400
    LEVEL 6: 94800
    LEVEL 7: 115200
    LEVEL 8: 148800
    LEVEL 9: 174000
    LEVEL 10: 214800
    LEVEL 11: 244800
    LEVEL 12: 292800
    LEVEL 13: 327600
    LEVEL 14: 382800
    LEVEL 15: 422400
    LEVEL 16: 484800
    LEVEL 17: 529200
    LEVEL 18: 598800
    LEVEL 19: 648000
    LEVEL 20: 724800
    LEVEL 21: 778800
    LEVEL 22: 862800
    LEVEL 23: 921600
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 1: 13200
    LEVEL 2: 25200
    LEVEL 3: 36000
    LEVEL 4: 55200
    LEVEL 5: 70800
    LEVEL 6: 97200
    LEVEL 7: 117600
    LEVEL 8: 151200
    LEVEL 9: 176400
    LEVEL 10: 217200
    LEVEL 11: 247200
    LEVEL 12: 295200
    LEVEL 13: 330000
    LEVEL 14: 385200
    LEVEL 15: 424800
    LEVEL 16: 487200
    LEVEL 17: 531600
    LEVEL 18: 601200
    LEVEL 19: 650400
    LEVEL 20: 727200
    LEVEL 21: 781200
    LEVEL 22: 865200
    LEVEL 23: 924000
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 2: 30000
    LEVEL 3: 40800
    LEVEL 4: 60000
    LEVEL 5: 75600
    LEVEL 6: 102000
    LEVEL 7: 122400
    LEVEL 8: 156000
    LEVEL 9: 181200
    LEVEL 10: 222000
    LEVEL 11: 252000
    LEVEL 12: 300000
    LEVEL 13: 334800
    LEVEL 14: 390000
    LEVEL 15: 429600
    LEVEL 16: 492000
    LEVEL 17: 536400
    LEVEL 18: 606000
    LEVEL 19: 655200
    LEVEL 20: 732000
    LEVEL 21: 786000
    LEVEL 22: 870000
    LEVEL 23: 928800
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 3: 49200
    LEVEL 4: 68400
    LEVEL 5: 84000
    LEVEL 6: 110400
    LEVEL 7: 130800
    LEVEL 8: 164400
    LEVEL 9: 189600
    LEVEL 10: 230400
    LEVEL 11: 260400
    LEVEL 12: 308400
    LEVEL 13: 343200
    LEVEL 14: 398400
    LEVEL 15: 438000
    LEVEL 16: 500400
    LEVEL 17: 544800
    LEVEL 18: 614400
    LEVEL 19: 663600
    LEVEL 20: 740400
    LEVEL 21: 794400
    LEVEL 22: 878400
    LEVEL 23: 937200
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 4: 79200
    LEVEL 5: 94800
    LEVEL 6: 121200
    LEVEL 7: 141600
    LEVEL 8: 175200
    LEVEL 9: 200400
    LEVEL 10: 241200
    LEVEL 11: 271200
    LEVEL 12: 319200
    LEVEL 13: 354000
    LEVEL 14: 409200
    LEVEL 15: 448800
    LEVEL 16: 511200
    LEVEL 17: 555600
    LEVEL 18: 625200
    LEVEL 19: 674400
    LEVEL 20: 751200
    LEVEL 21: 805200
    LEVEL 22: 889200
    LEVEL 23: 948000
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 5: 109200
    LEVEL 6: 135600
    LEVEL 7: 156000
    LEVEL 8: 189600
    LEVEL 9: 214800
    LEVEL 10: 255600
    LEVEL 11: 285600
    LEVEL 12: 333600
    LEVEL 13: 368400
    LEVEL 14: 423600
    LEVEL 15: 463200
    LEVEL 16: 525600
    LEVEL 17: 570000
    LEVEL 18: 639600
    LEVEL 19: 688800
    LEVEL 20: 765600
    LEVEL 21: 819600
    LEVEL 22: 903600
    LEVEL 23: 962400
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 6: 152400
    LEVEL 7: 172800
    LEVEL 8: 206400
    LEVEL 9: 231600
    LEVEL 10: 272400
    LEVEL 11: 302400
    LEVEL 12: 350400
    LEVEL 13: 385200
    LEVEL 14: 440400
    LEVEL 15: 480000
    LEVEL 16: 542400
    LEVEL 17: 586800
    LEVEL 18: 656400
    LEVEL 19: 705600
    LEVEL 20: 782400
    LEVEL 21: 836400
    LEVEL 22: 920400
    LEVEL 23: 979200
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 7: 193200
    LEVEL 8: 226800
    LEVEL 9: 252000
    LEVEL 10: 292800
    LEVEL 11: 322800
    LEVEL 12: 370800
    LEVEL 13: 405600
    LEVEL 14: 460800
    LEVEL 15: 500400
    LEVEL 16: 562800
    LEVEL 17: 607200
    LEVEL 18: 676800
    LEVEL 19: 726000
    LEVEL 20: 802800
    LEVEL 21: 856800
    LEVEL 22: 940800
    LEVEL 23: 999600
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 8: 249600
    LEVEL 9: 274800
    LEVEL 10: 315600
    LEVEL 11: 345600
    LEVEL 12: 393600
    LEVEL 13: 428400
    LEVEL 14: 483600
    LEVEL 15: 523200
    LEVEL 16: 585600
    LEVEL 17: 630000
    LEVEL 18: 699600
    LEVEL 19: 748800
    LEVEL 20: 825600
    LEVEL 21: 879600
    LEVEL 22: 963600
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 9: 301200
    LEVEL 10: 342000
    LEVEL 11: 372000
    LEVEL 12: 420000
    LEVEL 13: 454800
    LEVEL 14: 510000
    LEVEL 15: 549600
    LEVEL 16: 612000
    LEVEL 17: 656400
    LEVEL 18: 726000
    LEVEL 19: 775200
    LEVEL 20: 852000
    LEVEL 21: 906000
    LEVEL 22: 990000
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 10: 331200
    LEVEL 11: 361200
    LEVEL 12: 409200
    LEVEL 13: 444000
    LEVEL 14: 499200
    LEVEL 15: 538800
    LEVEL 16: 601200
    LEVEL 17: 645600
    LEVEL 18: 715200
    LEVEL 19: 764400
    LEVEL 20: 841200
    LEVEL 21: 895200
    LEVEL 22: 979200
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 11: 361200
    LEVEL 12: 409200
    LEVEL 13: 444000
    LEVEL 14: 499200
    LEVEL 15: 538800
    LEVEL 16: 601200
    LEVEL 17: 645600
    LEVEL 18: 715200
    LEVEL 19: 764400
    LEVEL 20: 841200
    LEVEL 21: 895200
    LEVEL 22: 979200
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 12: 391200
    LEVEL 13: 426000
    LEVEL 14: 481200
    LEVEL 15: 520800
    LEVEL 16: 583200
    LEVEL 17: 627600
    LEVEL 18: 697200
    LEVEL 19: 746400
    LEVEL 20: 823200
    LEVEL 21: 877200
    LEVEL 22: 961200
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 13: 421200
    LEVEL 14: 476400
    LEVEL 15: 516000
    LEVEL 16: 578400
    LEVEL 17: 622800
    LEVEL 18: 692400
    LEVEL 19: 741600
    LEVEL 20: 818400
    LEVEL 21: 872400
    LEVEL 22: 956400
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 14: 451200
    LEVEL 15: 490800
    LEVEL 16: 553200
    LEVEL 17: 597600
    LEVEL 18: 667200
    LEVEL 19: 716400
    LEVEL 20: 793200
    LEVEL 21: 847200
    LEVEL 22: 931200
    LEVEL 23: 990000
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 15: 481200
    LEVEL 16: 543600
    LEVEL 17: 588000
    LEVEL 18: 657600
    LEVEL 19: 706800
    LEVEL 20: 783600
    LEVEL 21: 837600
    LEVEL 22: 921600
    LEVEL 23: 980400
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 16: 572400
    LEVEL 17: 616800
    LEVEL 18: 686400
    LEVEL 19: 735600
    LEVEL 20: 812400
    LEVEL 21: 866400
    LEVEL 22: 950400
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 17: 649200
    LEVEL 18: 718800
    LEVEL 19: 768000
    LEVEL 20: 844800
    LEVEL 21: 898800
    LEVEL 22: 982800
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 18: 753600
    LEVEL 19: 802800
    LEVEL 20: 879600
    LEVEL 21: 933600
    LEVEL 22: 999999
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    LEVEL 19: 841200
    LEVEL 20: 918000
    LEVEL 21: 972000
    LEVEL 22: 999999
    LEVEL 23: 999999
    LEVEL 24: 999999
    LEVEL 25: 999999
    LEVEL 26: 999999
    LEVEL 27: 999999
    LEVEL 28: 999999

    Soft drop points are ignored.
    The scores are calculated at the end of each level.
    A perfect game of all tetrises is so unlikely that we can say it's impossible.
    Last edited: 26 Apr 2013
    Raul1138 likes this.
  2. Slight corrections:

    When you advance to the next level with a line score, you do get the points for the newly attained level, rather than the level you were on when you got it.

    So for example on a level 9 start, the 25th tetris would get you 100 lines, taking you to level 10, and you get the level 10 points for it. So you'd get 288,000 at level 9, and 301,200 at 100 lines entering level 10 (not to mention the addition of soft drop points, but nevermind that).

    Also, if you start on level 10-19, the level advance does not happen at 100 lines. They calibrated it so that you would get a little bit of a bonus for starting higher, but not so much of a bonus that it was easy to max the score out.

    Here are the level-advance # of lines for each starting level after 9:

    10 100
    11 100
    12 100
    13 100
    14 100
    15 100
    16 110
    17 120
    18 130
    19 140
    Raul1138 likes this.
  3. Incidentally the best start I've ever had is a level 9 start where I missed only 1 possible tetris before getting to level 10. Eventually I'd love to record a perfect level 9 game. I'd estimate it's no better than a 1 in 100 chance if you play perfectly.
    Raul1138 likes this.
  4. Thank you for the corrections! I'll poke around in the code and try to get this corrected and add that soft drop points are ignored in the notes.
  5. If you ever get a perfect level 9, then I hope you record it. It would be an amazing watch. ^^
  6. Sure. Since I was on a roll, I went ahead and did some calcs myself. Fun fact - a level 15 start has the latest earliest possible maxout level of the level 9+ starts at 24.4.

    Strt	#Tetr	LvMx	TotSc
    9	59	23.6	 1,020,000 
    10	56	23.4	 1,000,800 
    11	54	23.6	 1,008,000 
    12	52	23.8	 1,012,800 
    13	50	24.0	 1,015,200 
    14	48	24.2	 1,014,000 
    15	46	24.4	 1,010,400 
    16	45	24.0	 1,009,200 
    17	44	23.6	 1,011,600 
    18	43	23.2	 1,017,600 
    19	42	22.8	 1,027,200 
    Intriguingly, you could do it with one fewer tetris on a level 19 start by "soft-dropping" every block! But good luck with all that.

    Also interesting is that level 19 is the only level where you could max it out quicker by making your final score a non-tetris - even a single line would suffice. So it would be level 22 5 lines in, instead of 8. So there you go - you only need 41 tetrises in a row starting on level 19!
  7. I will definitely record - that would be quite a tragedy not to have on record!
  8. That's some nice calculations, Chad! :)
  9. I've had this spreadsheet called Tetris100% kicking around for a while -- of note, it also highlights perfect transition and kill-screen scores. :)
    Burbruee likes this.
  10. Very nice, though I see it does make a couple of mistakes.

    One is the thing I mentioned about when you reach a new level, it's not giving you the points for a tetris on the newly attained level, which the game does. To fix the code you could just add 4 to your cell reference, eg. INT((a3+4)/10.

    Also, starting at level 10, you need to add 1 to your index for 'before normal progression', and then you'll be in good shape.
  11. I remember thinking about scoring at the level reached rather than the one you were on before, but I must not have finished that line of thinking and implemented it in the spreadsheet. I took this opportunity to clean up the spreadsheet logic significantly. If you notice any other errors, please let me know. :)
  12. I think it's interesting. Thanks for posting!
  13. whoa. i had a 660k transition starting at 18 today- i was only 90k off the highest possible?!? i promptly proceeded to fuck the game up and ended w/708k but man that was close.
  14. I have found this to be a valuable resource for reference.
    xyrnq likes this.
  15. For me to remember and handily copy and paste the order of scoring potential:

    19, 18, 9, 17, 11, 10, 8, 12, 13, 16, 7, 14, 15.
    Last edited: 16 Oct 2020

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