3 years after this project started, the award winning documentary is finally for sale! I hope this place is appropriate to link you all. We only made 1000 copies for this first run, so grab one now if you can. thank you for your time, - Robin
thanks kitaru ! Actually, I ordered it with my visa. I asked about paypal because I know many people prefer to pay this way, so they could sell more dvds PS: can't believe one of the producer's name is Mihara
@CYB: Ah, alright. Yeah, it'd be a shame if that were seen as an obstacle. @K: I think so, but I might be slightly biased. Really though, everyone I've talked to so far has also liked it -- perhaps you could ask myndzi or caffeine or someone for a review. And yes, it's a different person, and the Robin Mihara vs. Ichiro Mihara joke has been made in the past.