Tournament: The 1st Annual Texathlon: Novice Mode(Score Attack)

Thread in 'Competition' started by Linepiece777, 29 Oct 2011.


What music would you want on the YouTube Leaderboard?

Poll closed 30 Oct 2011.
  1. TGM1 0-499

    0 vote(s)
  2. TGM1 500-998

    0 vote(s)
  3. TAP Master 0-499

    0 vote(s)
  4. TAP Master 900-998

    0 vote(s)
  5. TAP Master Credit Roll

    1 vote(s)
  6. Ti/ACE Main Menu

    0 vote(s)
  7. Ti Master 0-499

    1 vote(s)
  8. Ti Easy Credit Roll

    4 vote(s)
  9. Other(post in thread)

    1 vote(s)
  10. None of the above

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Very impressive! :D Go for the TAP 500k, you can do it!
  2. Submission time is up. I would've ended it 5 hours earlier, but due to not having enough time to use the school computers, and my friend playing my Tetris Axis game, I couldn't do it. However, KevinDDR can have a little more time, probably until tomorrow, to submit his score, due to technical issues. The next event will be in 3 days.
    P.S. Happy Halloween, everyone!
    Ai scores 621 points. Oh. Ehm Gee.
    LadyLily scores 368 points.
  3. Okay, I found a temporary PC to use for just this round. Unfortunately my stick doesn't work with it so I busted out a quick keyboard score which to be honest is probably not significantly worse than I would have done with a stick. I should have everything back up and working for the next round.

    I cleared the credit roll in this run, too.
  4. Gah, missed this. Too late to enter? I've got a 466595 with credit roll clear.
  5. Ai


    I hope your entry gets accepted. I'll add new scores and improvements to the Texmaster Novice thread later. ^^

    Thanks! I'll try to do it this month.
  6. I got my PC working with Texmaster. If this is too late that's okay, but I played a few games today and [​IMG]

    Credit roll clear
  7. Ai


    Clearing the game with only tetrises and not adding the time bonus will give you about 350000 points. The time bonus when you finish the game in exactly 3 minutes is 150360. As you can see skilled players need only do some time attack while stacking for tetrises. To ensure you get over 500k more easily try to get small combos after a few tetrises when you get the opportunity (especially in the last section).

    Here's an example from long ago where I almost scored 500000 points. It's far from perfect since I only cleared 16 tetris (a perfect game will be at least 21 tetris) and I didn't really try to get combos. I'm certain you can get over 500k if you try this method Kevin. I hope it helps. ^^
  8. Gah. Sorry for not updating. Any scores up to this post will be counted.
    DDRKirby gets 490 points.
    KevinDDR gets 491 points.
    And from now on, events will last for 3 days.
    The next event will be in 3 days.
  9. Will the next events be in separate topics?
  10. K


    it's still open for normal ??

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