Re: IAMA invisible tetris player. AMA Always I wanna be with you And make believe with you And live in harmony harmony oh love
Re: IAMA invisible tetris player. AMA I don't have any new advice in particular. 40s average is pretty good, and 57.3s best is also a great sign. I think the 40s average shows that you have a pretty good general idea, but need to improve the precision of your visualization a bit. The 57.3 game probably had really good stacking that lent itself well to remembering. The ~40s games probably have cases that are a bit harder for you to remember accurately, so you just need to keep practicing to figure out what goes wrong with the outline in your head.
Re: IAMA invisible tetris player. AMA Keep practicing, this is what I believe in. So I insist, 40min every evening.. Sometime I am pretty confident when I perform 3 time in a row 50+, or sometime, I got 40+ consistently on a whole session.. But yesterday, 3/4 game were around 35sec.. I don't understand why I am so inconsistent sometime. And worst, I absolutly need a little period or 5-6 attempt to be "ready" and "hot", and to become Gm, you need to be 100% ready for ONE try. I still feel very very far to get Gm rank.
Re: IAMA invisible tetris player. AMA Have you seen the new mino style on Tetris Friends? Full invisible. Self-imposed challenge, anyone?
Since saturday, I have started some extremly boring exercices of memorisation. No result after only 2 sessions of 30min each, ofcourse.. I can deal with the speed, I can understand pretty well the "flat" notion, but I have a fucking weak memory (fish). I did not want to copy jago's method, I wanted to create and define my own exercice. Strongly inspired by jago's exercices. Here my first proposition I am workink on, any opinion or advice will be ofcourse wellcome : 1 : I set a TAP MASTER in FULL invisibility but at the 0-100 speed, I have a "pause button" under my hand. 2 : I stack 3 tetrimino, flatly, then I pause. 3 : there are at this moment 2 way to memorise the stack : -a : I memorize literally the sequence like : L, O , T This is the bad thing to do, easier with 3 tetrimino, but become absolutly useless then. -b : I memorize the line, with 3 pieces, which has not explode, it is easy I agree, then I draw the line on a paper, like 10 sec later. 4 : If I can do that soon 100% of the time (which is already the case actually), I will redo the same exercice with 4 tetrimino and explosion of 1 lines.
Your screen reminds me a detail I wanted to ask : Is the grill necessary to train the memory better ? I find that I suffer a lot to exactely know where are the blank and filled cells.
Practicing and forcing flat stacking, even if sometime it is more crappy than everything else, seems to focus more on a consistency developpement. Simply because flat style prevents uncontrolable disruption, so it prevents very crap time (25-35 sec)
I use little plastique tetriminos from the plastic board game. I have painted the pieces in black, and I do some quick puzzles I try to remember. I don't understand your question, YOU have to be more specific about the word "method"
Forcing pause between game or at least every 5min Give good result..or maybe it's the fear to be caught at work..
Hmmm, shouldn't that happen for every mode you're not 100% used to? I remember I did slight pauses for tgm3 20G, then I did the same for tgm 20G, after I realized binge playing was not so enlightening. I mean, especially if you must have patterns in your mind you're not totally used to having, refreshing your play for every 5 minutes or so looks like quite a good idea. How tough is your invisible experience?
i only talk about invisible. And being able to replay and watch right back what you JUST played is also fucking awesome.