I could not resist to share it with you: 2009_Tetris_Design_Guideline.pdf (5.94 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/V4MXA5N0EL 2009_Tetris_Marketing_Guideline.pdf (6.72 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/RK7DLGTE91 2009_Tetris_Variant_Concepts.pdf (11.58 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/TVLO0JLOKJ
really i don't want this thread going down to trolling or flaming. but the Super Rotation System purpose is interesting.
Playing King of Stackers, I realized that SRS actually is logical. It's just that it's a whole lot more complicated than ARS, so it takes a lot more hands-on experience to understand it fully.
mm played a lot, and have seen the wallkick order. but i still can't understand what the designer of srs are thinking... for example: [][]..() []()()() []{}[][] []{}[][] []{}{}[][] that's ok []..[]() []()()() []....[] || \/ []()[] []() []()()[] that's ok [][]..() []()()() []..[][] []....[] so this one sucks..... more... [][][][] ..()..[] ()()()[] [][]..[] || \/ [][][][] ....()[] ..()()[] [][]()[] ok [][][][] ()()()[] ..()..[] [][]..[] sucks... rotate the whole field 90` CW, then []....[] []..()[] []()()[] ....()[] [][][][] this is ok []....[] []()..[] []()()[] ..()..[] [][][][] this sucks instead.... so.............. no comment about SRS...
Yes, in order to accept 20 rows of garbage without erasing any blocks pushed above. This was tested and confirmed in Tetris DS long before now. Admirable in concept, failure in practice. There are some things I think SRS is good for, but it's not a one-size-fits-all package and they really should have spent more time on it beforehand if that's what they were aiming for. I feel like Ti-ARS fits their listed objectives much better than SRS does.
Permit myself to dig up this old topic, but multiupload is dead. Does anyone still have those files ?