I see that TGM can be emulated on a PC, but i just don't know what emulator to use... I heard if MAME, ZiNC, tgmshmupmame (i think it's spelled like that), but i don't know which one is better for playing TGM, TAP and Ti. Also tell me more about the last 2 because it's the first time i've heard about them Please, if this thread is prohibited here, just delete it or lock it. sorry for any inconvenience
TGM : Mame or Zinc TAP : Mame (Shmupsmame) TI : Cloned : Texmaster or Nullpomino. If you want something, or if nobody else helped you yet, you can PM me I will send you a "ready go" pack. PS : I don't have Nullpomino, I will dosnload it again ONLY when DIGITAL will be back.
Thanks Amnesia, but why about the Nullpomino issue? (why you will not download it until DIGITAL get back?