Small improvement. Still no efficient combo stacking. If you click on the screenshot you can watch the game. I also uploaded a few other videos and edited my last post in the TAP Normal thread.
I didn't do any big combo, fortunately i could activate the "deleven" item with a very low stack (i guess it can stole many points . Impossible to do it again after many tries :/
Nice job rednefed. The score before the bonus seems slightly lower than in your previous record, but you did play more than 10 seconds faster. I played a short session a while ago and still have a hard time getting scores over 300k. Almost all my runs end up between 270k and 300k. For FREE FALL you need to avoid situations where a cascade clears a part of your stack. This isn't very difficult to avoid and don't forget that when using the items you're not awarded points for clearing lines. As for DEL EVEN you're indeed right to only use the item when the stack is close to ground level. If the stack is high, put the item somewhere on top and first lower the stack before clearing the item.
Medal collection...I used pause in order to ensure gold RE. AC is more on luck without hold. A bronze one is already nice. Gold ST can't be guaruanteed after new records... Gold SK is possible before 500 in theory.Oftentimes it appears in section 700. Gold RE should be started at the very beginning,cause 20G RE is unbelievable. Gold RO isn't that hard,spin twice for those pieces that needn't spin. Gold CO requires luck,I did a 6 combo at section 800 with 17 floors of 8. Of course,with certain manipulation,5 gold medals isn't an epic.
GAP I still have the same problem as before with the images you post. I get the following message instead of your screenshots: Any idea what causes this? I tried different browsers and PCs to be sure without any result. You can upload the screenshot on the forum if you want. Maybe you can do the same for the other screenshots you posted if you still have them.
Ai,thank you for your suggestion. This time it shouldn't go wrong... I wanna say something about my personal strategy on medals. Attempt RE at the beginning,performing tetris to clear lines. Make sure the Left side is high and the Right side a little lower(The I stuck is really annoying),because both 150 blocks and survival are needed. If sub-20G RE is too hard,do RE as quickly as possible at 300-.(Clear doubles and triples) During the 800- period,keep an eye on spin.Section 700 is a wonderful chance to spin a lot for the Gold RO. Before section 800,gold Sk is got,try luck on combos in section 800. For gold ST,use the TLS mode if you want to keep the Record. Gold AC is a dream...
Cool! You basically obtained 4 gold medals because Gold SK isn't a difficulty. Not only did you get 5 medals including a Silver CO in the 800-900 section which is amazing, you also cleared the game with an orange line S9. Time and score aren't bad either since you were focusing on different things at the same time. Make sure to post your other TAP and TGM records. I'll be adding this orange line S9 in the TAP Master thread later.
To be honest,Ai,my real skill at present isn't good enough for a S9 record. I USE PAUSE when I want to achieve some certain goals to prove that they are possible,and I don't suppose that S9 be a record. I have an 8:25:53 Orange line master GM and a 4:49:21 death GM.However,both of them come from the PAUSE cheat I used. I don't use save/load. My best performance is,maybe,only an S7 at 945.I Need more practice.
damn, I didn't think you could get death GM by pausing. At high speed, pausing only causes me break the rythm and loose all my concentration lol
I see. Thanks for clarifying. That T.A. Death Gm time is faster than the current world record. I didn't update the TAP Master leaderboard yet so there's no problem. Anyway just post what you can achieve at your current level then.
Ai TAP Normal Mode 21 Tetrises TAP Normal game with 21 tetrises. Score and time are nothing special. I think 22 tetrises are possible since I messed up with the DEL EVEN item piece. There's a misdrop at level 110, but the FREE FALL item undoes the mistake shortly after. The only clear that isn't a tetris (not counting the credit roll), is a double at level 234 when clearing the DEL EVEN item. I got a little lucky with the distribution of I-pieces at the end of the last section. The number of tetrises in each section: 7 in the 0-100 section, 6 in the 100-200 section and 8 in the 200-300 section.
Silver SK medal obtained at level 261 after 20 consecutive tetrises. I messed up soon afterwards though. In the end I cleared 21 consecutive tetrises and a total of 22 in the first 3 sections. At the end of the first 2 section there was some heavy level stop abuse. However this doesn't seem to do much to the overall amount of tetrises possible before level 300. I'm pretty sure you can only get 23 or 24 tetrises max. It's now clear that obtaining Gold SK before level 500 isn't really difficult for great players. I'm looking forward to see someone achieve this. My stacking skills after level 300 aren't good enough at the moment. Click image for video.
I may have some trouble to understand...We can really find a lot of strange creature on earth. How is it possible that a S7 player can achieve world record-ish performances by using a poor and simple...... "pause" ??! During the m roll you paused at almost every parts and drew on a paper the matrix ?
How about a score attack for TAP? Here's a run I just had. I was gunning for m and not trying to combo my score up. 300k possible? 271363 points (and yeah, m)
Sounds very good. I was planning on adding a score attack leaderboard eventually. This reminds me that I still need to break 200k in TGM. Getting over 300k seems very likely in TAP if you use combos. Highest score I've seen so far is KAN's 282775 in his superplay game with 57 tetrises. I'll move the TAP Normal reverse score attack leaderboard from the [TGM] [TAP] [Ti] Lowest Grade thread and put it over here. Another interesting challenge would be obtaining m or Gm in T.A. Death with a time as slow as possible. I recently noticed that cyberguile posted his slowest m in the Miscellaneous Tetris Achievements thread. I believe it deserves a spot over here as well. Here's the screenshot: Then there's the medal table I promised earlier in this thread. I'll update the OP today or later this weekend.
It is fucking slow !! I think I was close to get something like 4:40, never succeded to reach a level 500 without locking, it is too hard..Most of my tetrimino after 300 don't obey me anymore..