Records: [TAP] Master

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 29 Mar 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    nobody is safe

    warn your family about the dangers of triple posting
  2. Muf


  3. [​IMG]
    8:45 feels so fucking far away now, Kitaru, I need your guidance

    actually nvm kitaru is slow

    kevin, jago, edo, amnesia: how on earth do I get down to 4:30 500?
    Last edited: 19 Jan 2011
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I don't especially appreciate that you put Kevin in first position in your list and me in last...
  5. lol

    You talk a lot of smack for an almost-GM. If the section times you are posting right now are indicative of your average, you're still slower than me. Meanwhile, I reached 998 @ 8:28 without trying to play particularly fast (or well for that matter -- see 99B) after maybe three or four attempts.

    If you can put a score ahead of mine, good for you. As things currently stand, I'm somewhat puzzled that you choose to talk shit about how slow I am considering the poor, inconsistent section times you choose to post. ?_?
  6. apologies, the names were in no particular order. In fact, your advice may be the most valuable of all to me...

    If anyone wants to tell me where I've gone wrong, the inp's right here.
  7. understood. sorry i offended you.

    regarding advice from other players, i doubt i really need it. this game is a brick wall and i think i just need to keep pushing on it, there aren't any ways around. if anyone wanted to comment on my inp i wouldn't mind. i think i'll stop posting until i actually improve my record.
  8. Hey, no worries. I'm not trying to start any drama or anything. I just wondering "hm why have I been catching so much flak from TWF lately?" We're still buddies, yeah? :)

    I can try to take a look at your inp in the morning if you were still looking for comments. (That reminds me, I'm waaaay past due commenting on some other replays...)
  9. For sure, haha. Just another reminder that I should think more about my posts :rolleyes:

    As for this damn game, I don't know what's going on here:
    32 tries
    9 clears
    28.125% clears
    52.41 seconds average survival
    64 tries
    14 clears
    21.875% clears
    49.19 average survival
    17.05 average lines
    11/01/19 (so far)
    27 tries
    3 clears
    11.111% clears
    46.87 average survival
    15.37 average lines

    This is harsh... why am I getting worse?

    EDIT: I just tried playing my inp and it appears to desync before level 100. Not sure what's going on there... how can I guarantee that won't happen when I get a good game?
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    It is much better !!

    I will tell you what I am doing currently : I play TI MASTER without logging in my account, and I just try to do one thing : sub 43 0-100
    This kind of stupid repeated exercice pushes my limits for time attacking low G.

    Make sure that you practice these 5 domains :

    1 : optimise your stacking in reducing your average number of input, with the less possible number of tap tap, be sure that you know all the simplified moves and practice it.

    2 : Intelligent stacking : ofcourse you know this but only TETRIS and flat stack to be the most open at anytime. (easier on TI I agree)

    3 : agressive drop/lock, when I watch jago playing I am always surprised how fast he up/down. So basicaly you need a 4 way joystick to make really fast zangui moves.

    4 : Advice which is real but subjectif : keep your rythm stable, sometime you can have the feeling to have reached the maximal speed for a moment, but are you sure that you keep the rythm 100% of the time ?

    5 : One of the last details I noticed is the fact to often lose your charged DAS by hesitating too much, you need to everytime prepare your DAS for each tetrimino, you can lose plenty of time here by losing this constant charged DAS.

    A few months ago, I would have never helped you, this changed since I have accepted to never become GM so good luck for it !
  11. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    What did you do wrong? You had section times over 1 minute. There's no reason for that, not even in 0-99.

    The first half will be where most of your time went. Work on that. You already have the second half down. Knock off those few seconds and you're under 8:45.
  12. The message is clear... I need my stick. It's at my house, I should be able to grab it soon.

    EDIT: Grabbed my stick and played a couple games. Much better ^__^
    Last edited: 20 Jan 2011
  13. 8:42:43 M, credit roll nearly cleared (again ;_; )

    inp is here for shmupmametgm 137. desyncs lol
    Last edited: 21 Jan 2011
    [Gm 8:38:60]
    Honestly though, this is kind of underwhelming. I didn't beat Kitaru's time, and not even a gold SK. Ah well, I'll accept it.
  15. >Top 30 in the world

    Just messin' with ya man, great work. ;p
  16. Mostly what I meant is it didn't feel like I had done something I hadn't before. I've had faster M's and more tetrises and much better m-rolls, but I guess it's natural that I can't put it all together my first time.
  17. here is the inp, unfortunately the GM is at the end of a long string of games. Sorry! I hope muf or someone is willing to spare the disk space to aviwrite it all out, I don't think I can.

    EDIT: actually, I recorded the avi myself, turns out I had more space than I thought.
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2011
  18. And so another one ascends... Congratulations TWF!
  19. Ai


    Solid play! Congratulation with this tremendous achievement and good luck with the orange line and Death Gm. ^^

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