About. damn. time. I got so excited that I didn't get a shot with my initials. This will suffice for the time being.
Totally legit! What a killer time, too. Great to see you pulled it off. Enjoy your day of infinite happiness!
Congrats! Almost sub-12 on a first GM, too, very well done! I'm going to have to ask the usual question: did you enjoy your day of infinite happiness? I'm clearly going to have to step up my own game with a sub-11 or something--there's a lot of people encroaching on sub-12 these days, and I don't want to slip on the leaderboard more than I have... Also, random aside, but wow, we're starting to close in on 60 TGM1 GMs total for TC. 56 with you, probably 59 with muf, Budster, and Ray all on the verge of it. That's just crazy--I don't even remember how many we had when I got my first a couple years ago, but I'm sure it wasn't near as many as we have now... Great job all is I guess where I was going with that. ~EI
My first Gm was milliseconds away from the cutoff, making me the last-place Gm, and I think I was ranked in the 40's.
Over 65 Gm players at the end of the year is possible. Meroigo, DumbledorsArmy, croikle and a few others are nearly Gm too. Then you have players who could surprise us any moment. I really hope merpy, LadyLily etc. get the job done too. Also don't forget there are payers who achieved Gm in Texmaster Normal and haven't posted over here yet. Here's a list: NoonShaK, Suohfei, kotetsu213, meow, DarkMatt and Special_k. I printed the leaderboard right after I started participating 2 years ago. It's dated 4th of May 2008. At the time there were only 51 players. 31 of them were Gm. This is how the leaderboard looked like: Code: 1. GM 10:03:08 jago 5. GM 10:58:06 matt_hatter 10. GM 11:39:xx cyberguile 15. GM 12:01:53 Rosti_LFC 20. GM 12:37:70 Kitaru 25. GM 13:12:73 deepdorp 30. GM 13:25:30 Billmaan ... 51. S1 04:42:81 Ai I was last at the time. Currently to be in the top 30 you almost need to be sub 12 minutes. I'll try to scan the leaderboard. Maybe colour_thief can provide older data.
Holy shit balls, Samael posted on TC again. Yay! Good work. Stacking must definitely be good enough, as DHE pointed out. Very nice run. You can do it.
Sorry for not specifically mentioning you in my previous post Sameal. Notice how a lot of players recently have either gotten Gm or are close to it with very fast times? As mentioned almost there! A tetris around level 900 is worth close to 7000 points, so 2 would have sufficed to get you S9. Or a tetris and a few other line clears.
Man, first of all, congrats to all the new GM's! Second, an update for me! My first GM time was 13:19:98 with 151k points 2nd GM time was terrible at 13:21:xx Last night was my 3rd GM @ 12:37:56 with 172k 42.5 second improvement =) I think I can bring it down to around 12 minutes in a month or two
Nice jump kreichjr. And congrats with Gm and improvements everyone else. You could probably get sub 11 minutes if you try long enough.
Can you give more details of the game muf? For those wondering it's a TGM inp file, but I can't get it working. I get out of sync error messages.