Just tried CDex and both of the ADPCM options wouldn't play in the player. It goes through the sample count but doesn't output any sound. Any specific things I'm missing?
Uhhhh... I have no clue, haha. :< Quick, we need help from someone that themes! Digital, where are you? Haha. :s
The "data" folder contains the file "data.html" with all the necessary information. EDIT: Code: BGM data/bgm/tm1_1.wav NORMAL 000-499 data/bgm/tm1_2.wav NORMAL 500-999 data/bgm/tm2_1.wav SPECIAL 000-499 NOVICE 000-299 data/bgm/tm2_2.wav SPECIAL 500-699 SUDDEN 000-299 NOVICE staff roll data/bgm/tm2_3.wav SPECIAL 700-899 SUDDEN 300-499 data/bgm/tm2_4.wav SPECIAL 900-999 SUDDEN 500-999 data/bgm/tm3_1.wav SPECIAL Ti 000-499(speed) data/bgm/tm3_2.wav SPECIAL Ti 500-799(speed) data/bgm/tm3_3.wav SPECIAL Ti 800-1899(speed) SUDDEN Ti 000-499 data/bgm/tm3_4.wav SUDDEN Ti 500-699 data/bgm/tm3_5.wav SUDDEN Ti 700-999 data/bgm/tm3_6.wav SUDDEN Ti 1000-1299 data/bgm/tm1_endroll.wav staff roll (NORMAL) data/bgm/tm2_endroll.wav staff roll (SPECIAL) data/bgm/tm3_endroll.wav staff roll (SPECIAL Ti / SUDDEN Ti) data/bgm/tm2_menu.wav menu data/bgm/tm3_menu.wav menu data/bgm/tm1_gameover.wav game over (NORMAL) data/bgm/tm2_gameover.wav game over (NOVICE / ADVANCE / SPECIAL / SUDDEN) data/bgm/tm3_gameover.wav game over (SPECIAL Ti / SUDDEN Ti) data/bgm/tm1_name.wav Name input Sound data/sound/applehouse.wav data/sound/break.wav data/sound/chime.wav *99 chime (SPECIAL Ti) (SUDDEN Ti) data/sound/chime2.wav *99 chime (SPECIAL) (SUDDEN) data/sound/danger.wav data/sound/decision.wav data/sound/get_medal.wav data/sound/gm.wav data/sound/grade_up.wav data/sound/hold.wav data/sound/level_up.wav data/sound/line_fall.wav data/sound/irs.wav irs data/sound/select.wav data/sound/tetromino_landing.wav data/sound/tetromino_lock.wav data/sound/voice_go.wav data/sound/voice_ready.wav data/sound/next_yellow.wav data/sound/next_blue.wav data/sound/next_orange.wav data/sound/next_green.wav data/sound/next_perple.wav data/sound/next_skyblue.wav data/sound/next_red.wav data/sound/cool.wav data/sound/regret.wav data/sound/wow.wav 4 line combo data/sound/wow2.wav 4 line and 4 line combo. Back Ground data/bg_00.bmp Level 000-099 BG data/bg_01.bmp Level 100-199 BG data/bg_02.bmp Level 200-299 BG data/bg_03.bmp Level 300-399 BG data/bg_04.bmp Level 400-499 BG data/bg_05.bmp Level 500-599 BG data/bg_06.bmp Level 600-699 BG data/bg_07.bmp Level 700-799 BG data/bg_08.bmp Level 800-899 BG data/bg_09.bmp Level 900-999 BG data/bg_10.bmp Level 1000-1099 BG data/bg_11.bmp Level 1100-1199 BG data/bg_12.bmp Level 1200-1300 BG Tips : Animation. bg_0_00.jpg to bg_0_49.jpg The sound extension is .adpcm in the latest Texmaster release.
tm1_1.wav is playing under Special for me. I tried all of the listed numbers and can't get any to play for Normal.
What version of Texmaster are you using? And does this problem only occur in Normal Mode? Everything works fine over here.
2009/10/24 Texmaster 2009-2 And yeah, Normal isn't playing any songs. Special plays tm1_1.wav and tm1_2.wav. It seems like things are very mixed up somehow Tested with a fresh download as well...
Digital says that sounds like a cache issue. Try deleting your cache folder so it re-caches the sound files and such.
When you change things in the bgm or sound folder you need to delete the corresponding files in the cache or you can just delete the contents of the entire cache folder. After restarting the game it will restore all the files in the cache. I had a similar problem a while ago and Deeem2031 and I shared the solution earlier in this thread. In my case Texmaster wouldn't let me change the original bgm or there was no sound at all. I hope you can get it to work now.
I don't appear to have a cache folder anywhere. Perhaps I'll try stepping down a version and see what that does for me... Edit: Nope. No songs playing on Normal even with the Data pack.
That's not Texmaster 2009-2 beta 2. The version you mentioned above doesn't allow .wav files. The following are Texmaster 2009-2 beta 2 and have a cache folder: Code: Windows (98-XP) / Linux / Mac OSX 10.5 2009/07/05 Texmaster 2009-2 beta 2 mirrors: [url]http://nihon.se/Texmaster2009-2beta2.zip[/url] [url]http://143.homelinux.com/tetris/Texm...009-2beta2.zip[/url] [url]http://www.deeem2031.de/Tetris/Texmaster2009-2beta2.zip[/url] [url]http://mirror.meroigo.com/texmaster/...009-2beta2.zip[/url] MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! ...
Ah, my mistake about the .wavs. They're adpcm, I just typo'd in the post. I will however, try out that version you linked. Edit: Ah, that version uses wavs. I'm not trying to use those >_>
I just tried playing around in Texmaster 2009-2 and I experienced the same problems. Probably a bug that needs fixing. I think it's best to use earlier versions with .wav for the time being. Unless someone else knows how to get it working correctly. [noparse][/noparse] It's too late. There's no other flashy font available. [noparse][/noparse]
Tried googling around to see if I could find any info on this, so sorry if I missed it somewhere, but are the world rotation kicks going to be fixed at some point? I'm using version 2 beta 2 (on a Mac), and the kicks are totally off for SRS.
The world issue is a known problem, but the world kicks are confusing to implement. Ai: there are plenty of "flashy" fonts that aren't Comic Fucking Sans.
Sorry about my ignorance. Only after muf's post did I look online for more info about the matter. It won't happen again. I'll redeem myself on New Year's Eve. It's a promise.
Why is it difficult to implement the SRS wallkicks? The SRS wiki entry explains them all in perfect detail, so it's not as though we don't know how they work.