Records: [TGM1]

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 22 May 2007.

  1. Ai


    You're probably right, but the difference is almost neglectable.

    I know for sure that my best times in TGM are as followed:

    0-499 ---> very close to 06:00
    500-999 ---> around 05:30

    That's just 10-15 seconds difference and I play far less TGM time attack. Even if I tried right now I don't think I would get a much better GM time in Texmaster. I'll play during the week just to make sure. ^^ In the GM I last posted first half time is probably 06:05 and second half time 05:40. Chances that my 20G time was even faster are slim because of the time I lost in the last section.

    In my case TAP Master and Texmaster Special STs are very close when you leave out the 800-900 section... And I haven't really played both all that much.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    But I'm pretty sure the scoring system in Texmaster Novice is flawed compared to TAP Normal. Or I'm underestimating the effects of the 2 special pieces.
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2009
  2. How on earth did you get ST rankings in Texmaster?
  3. How are you viewing the ST records in texmaster? That's something I've always wanted to be able to do.

    EDIT: Oh, it's F3. Cool!
  4. Ai


    ST rankings have been introduced since the release included World rotation. There are rankings for Special, Sudden, Special Ti and Sudden Ti. Only for Classic rotation as far as I know.


    You can access World rotation ST rankings by using F3 and then down.
  5. Yeah, but world would only matter if it was playable :V
  6. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm



  7. Yuck, I can barely play TGM1 anymore. I can get into the 500's-600's just fine in TAP Master, but going to TGM1 is steps backwards and I'm lucky to surpass the low 400's.
  8. Ai


    I take that back. Earlier this week I got sub 11:30 in Texmaster and now I very much want to do the same in TGM. I want that 13th spot on the leaderboard badly.

    I improved a little this morning. At first I didn't want to post and do a surprise attack, but that's cheap. Though I hope there won't be a massive attack on the 11:30 mark. ^^


    0-500 ---> 06:04
    501-999 ---> 05:38
  9. [​IMG]

    looks like I have more work to do, Ai :(

    (this was done in Arcade UFO)
  10. Ai


    Great keep it up! We're at about the same level.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Horrible last section and the stack was near the floor too... I just need a little more luck. 5th GM and I know it's hard to believe but each time I did better than the last time. ^^
  11. I'm glad that at least someone realises this...
  12. Since when has not posting every marginal improvement been cheap? :p
  13. Ai


    What I think is cheap is waiting until I get a sub 11:30 time before posting. Only wanted to make my intentions public to encourage others to try harder too. I did say I wasn't going to play anymore this year after all. ^^
  14. Since forever, though "cheap" isn't quite the word I'd use. Post every new record. At the very least savour it for when new PB's are few and far between.
  15. Gm @ 11:29:48

    couldn't have Ai schooling me like that
  16. Ai



    Will try to get closer later this week. But like expected I need to play a lot more to improve just a little bit at this point. And I don't really have much time on my hands right now. This is why I prefer practicing for a few months and destroying my previous time.

    Glad I got you to improve, but maybe I should have waited before posting. I wonder why I like making things more difficult for myself. Still doesn't change anything to the fact that I need to get sub 11:30 too. ^^

    My best Texmaster times:

    0-500 ---> 05:47:80
    501-999 ---> 05:21:61
  17. Oh damn, Ai is ahead of me now! I'll have to remember to play some TGM1 soon.
  18. COL




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