I can't seem to get either; sites are either down (Heboris/UE) or I just can't access the download link (Heboris). I've tried tons of ways to get around it, but no good. Wondering if anyone might be able to help, or perhaps upload them somewhere.
Any specific version(s) you are looking for? C7V4EX YGS2K+ C8EX YGS2K+ (buggy) C7V4EX C++ (multiplatform) LITE 32.13 MINI V20
Didn't know it was ported to C++. YGS2K programs usually work for me, but maybe there comes a time when they won't. Are those latest MINI and LITES?
Ah unfortunately, I'm leaving in a moment so I won't have time to upload them. I'll get them up for you when I get back unless someone had already pointed you in the right direction.
You can find Heboris and the expansion mirrored on PetitPrince's TGM page. Download Heboris, extract that, and then extract the expansion to the same folder and replace the necessary files and you should be good to go.
Here's the conglomerate of a package that I promised. http://www.sendspace.com/file/87oze9 Just a few things to note. C8 (repackaged with beta 1+2) has to be extracted over C7V4, which has to be extracted over the original as Zircean mentioned. LITE has to be extracted over the original as well, and I included several patches that came with it. MINI V20 is repackaged since I seemingly forgot to save the original distribution, but this might save you time as it's fully featured (all official plugins and some modified net plugins) and functional right out of the box. Yep, included that in the package as well.
Just out of curiosity, what's the difference between C8 and C7V4? I know C8 is a newer beta version, but is there any reason to install it over C7V4?
If I remember correctly (too lazy to check ), there were minor interface changes. I think section times are displayed while you play as well, similar to what you see in Texmaster. There were several other bugfixes that you can check out in the changelog3.txt. But unfortunately, several bugs were introduced as well. I forgot the details but you'll probably notice them quickly.
You can show section times in C7 by editing something in the ini: Red is bronze ST, light blue is silver ST, yellow is gold ST, white is no medal or platinum ST (slow or fast) HeboMini is a lot more accurate than C7, though.
I'm having problems with the C7 expansion and the LITE expansion; installing LITE gives me a black screen and C7 never loads. I'm using Windows 98 (supposedly you're supposed to). I suppose I need a step-by-step installation for each package, if anyone cares to provide that. Heboris original works perfectly, though! Good fun.
Just to be sure, did you extract LITE or C7 over the original version of Heboris? Also, C7 can take awhile to load and might appear unresponsive as a result.
I did. Your second sentence might explain the C7 problem. LITE just gives me a black screen (I DID extract it right over the original... do you need to extract anything else first?) I was wondering whether that was normal or whether that was my computer being noncompliant. Thanks! MINI doesn't seem to work either. Is that supposed to take a while to load too?
Hmm, MINI should just work as it is and the load time should be really fast considering not many plugins are loaded. You did say the original Heboris ran so I'm not sure what's going on with any of the expansions. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
Yep, it's just a very long wait time that's eventually going to get on my nerves. Anyway, they work otherwise. Thanks again! LITE's supposed to be for older computers, correct? That was what I was told.
Before the conception of MINI, yes. MINI is much lighter than LITE depending on your plugin configuration. Anyhow, glad they work.
Are there any feature enhancements in V8 that are worth mentioning? I have the OS X port, but I could run the Windows version through VMWare with no problems, other than the fact that it is annoying.