
Thread in 'Discussion' started by cdsboy, 24 Apr 2008.

  1. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Ghett0 just set up a webcam showing his screen and played texmaster for me. I had him show me his taskmanager with the processes to show that he wasn't running anything in the background. He showed me his framerate and he was always 60 out of 60 frames. He played 3 games that were all of the same play level. In his final game he got to 500. I am 100% convinced that ghett0 is not TAS'ing his gameplay. And yes i know its hard to believe [​IMG]

    Heres the screen shot:

  2. Who is seagale?
  3. K


    don't know,

    btw kotetsu, you got some java skills ?

    SO, if cdsboy tell it's true, so be it,

    Ghetto i excuse for my hard doubts and pervious bashing post.

    But your situation and behavior are still unclear. So don't try anymore something "supspicious" or i'll be the very first to ask for banning you.

    that's it
  4. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    A lot of people have Superman pajamas. Superman has Chuck Norris pajamas. And Chuck Norris has Ghett0 pajamas.

    There is no 'ctrl' button on Ghett0's computer. Ghett0 is always in control.

    Ghett0 rotated a tetromino for infinity. Twice. Then he got bored and disabled lock delay completely.

    Ghett0 does not read the wiki. He stares it down until he gets the information he wants.

    Ghett0 is the reason the Sega monkey carries an umbrella.

    Ghett0 doesn't get addicted to tetris. Tetris gets addicted to Ghett0.

    Ghett0 can never get his computer to give an accurate TPM because it refuses to divide by zero. Ghett0 figured it out himself. 91666666666666666666666666666667.

    There are still no western Ti grandmasters. Ghett0 hasn't raised enough money for a Ti machine yet.
  5. This is a textbook example of the boy who cried wolf... complete with nobody believing the boy when he (apparently) starts telling the truth. It's certainly plausible that a motivated 9 year old can reach Shirase 500. Just think back to how few responsibilities and how much free time you had at that age.

    Frankly, even if he has skill, even if his record performance was witnessed by someone reputable like Stevie Wonder, it's hard to accept anything he claims as legitimate. There have been too many lies (eg. "I have friend who work for Taito, I'm cracking Type-X") and half truths (TAS'ed performances such as a claimed Death GM) mixed in with the truth for him to be taken seriously.

    Ghetto... Even if you're skilled you've gotten off to an extremely bad start and it will take a long time before others respect you and stop questioning your records.
  6. K


    ah ah those two one were hilarous :'D
  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Compare to how my little cousin cleared all 52 single heavy charts in DDR Konamix before age 6. Including the 9-footers. On a dance pad.
  9. Zeta

    Zeta Unregistered

    or to how I have the IIDX DistorteD cardinal gate* 4/5 complete despite having less total experience than some of these nutcases that get continuous AAA's on low-level songs but haven't gotten into the Cardinal Gate.

    * the five hardest songs on BeatMania 2DX DistorteD, as extra stages, with the fifth being a OMES with 2000 notes in about 1:50. guess which one I haven't been able to finish @.@
  10. okay ghetto, when you quote someone, don't just bold what you want to say. put your text completely outside of the text you want to quote. it's very confusing otherwise.
  11. Ghett0 for TC Mascot!

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