TGM at AGDQ 2015

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by Qlex, 27 Aug 2014.

  1. New post :

    TODO : Redo the opening video for the new planning

    We are in the AGDQ submission list. We have one hour of showtime to show them our moves!

    Here are several Google docs to keep track of everything. That includes :

    Commentary spreadsheet :
    Material :
    Contributions of any kind :
    Planning (read only) :

    The commentary spreadsheet will help people to say stuff during the event. It will be filled soon, it's an actually hard one but I guess everyone can give suggestions for now and I'll see what happens. Same for the material : Though it's more of a thing for people who'll get there, I think it's nice that some people actually give advice through google doc commentary if they see something unusual.

    Thanks in advance!

    Original post :

    Hi everyone!

    Take a quick look at the AGDQ 2015 submission list!

    As it has been discussed in the previous topic, this topic will be entirely dedicated to the presence of a TGM demonstration at this year's AGDQ. After having discussed with some people, I do believe a 1-hour long presentation could be just perfect. However, there are several main points that I will emphasize :

    • The main modes
    • The donation incentives
    • The presentation video/pitch

    The submission will be done by September the 3rd, so I say we have a planning, a presentation video and a pitch done by September the 1st!

    The main modes :

    Presenting TGM demands that we get a bit of leverage to talk about the game, and then we get into the interesting bits (fast stuff, invisible). TGM will be a must for that, and TGM2+ uses JAMMA as well so that's that. TGM3 unfortunately might be too spectacular, doesn't use the same wiring as TGM/TGM2+ and will make the overall demonstration too long. We can keep that as a next thing if stuff goes really, really well.

    I did not discuss of these points yet, but at least we can have these guys in, in that order :

    1. Tetris the Grandmaster 1 (TGM) is the first guy that will allow the commentators to explain how the game works, with the basic mechanics and potentially a fair bit about the grading system.
    2. Tetris the Grandmaster 2 : The Absolute Plus (TAP) Death mode is possibly a very good next move, having been displayed this way (lolwarmup) at Awesome Game Replays, it might wake everyone up and show that the game can go pretty fast.
    3. TAP Master mode is also the thing to show again a fair moment of consistency, and if that's possible, invisible mode as some icing on the cake. In any case, going fast during whichever credit roll might be an interesting watch

    I know it's been discussed that Doubles and Secret Grade would be interesting, nice short moments as well, but this is where the next part comes in. Some other nice moments we could squeeze in are competing with each other and this could be an opportunity to think of...

    ... The donation incentives :

    I'll write modes that were discussed were going in :

    - TAP Doubles mode is an interesting piece in which both players reach 300. It's been shown to be a challenging and focused run and the idea is pretty innovating.
    Pros : As written, it's a short focused run and the idea is nice, we can have two players with different styles and gameplay, and the difficulty of the ending makes the finish satisfying to everyone.
    Cons : Also as written, it's unfortunately a challenging thing. While people are not excluding the possibility of getting Master GM or Death GM (which I also don't), getting Doubles clear first try depends on other more inconsistent factors : How both players trained well with each other, and the fact that the DAS goes all over the place sometimes. Not to mention how a single misdrop just blows it at 200+. It's pretty easy to look bad on this guy. I have some concerns about making this look good since the speed is significantly lower and there's no explosions.

    - TAP Secret Grade is a much slower mode in which Kitaru (if he's available) makes that snake pattern and the game likes that. Here's how it's done!
    Pros : It's about 3 minutes max. per try, guaranteed to show a nice shape in the worst case scenario. It's also thought-provoking since the game feel is completely different. Having explained the slim possibility of getting high grades like S8+, getting one will definitely bring some hype (and let's not even talk about GM :D ) And hey, that's why we are putting a demo of the game!
    Cons : Maybe a bit slow for the audience, and making this a 10 minute thing might be mandatory to create a good ending, but might make the overall block run a bit late, but that's all for me.

    Here come some other nice donation incentives that could replace these other things, depending on what people suggest and what seems to be the best option (the rest will be essentially debated with the AGDQ staff if the run is accepted, but since this could be the main planning it's important to sort that stuff out) :

    - Having a TAS play the game, like a Death TAS or a Master TAS might be absolutely crazy. For now that's a very hypothetical thing, but I wish to discuss the possibilities with the people who are knowledgeable about this. DwangoAC is also considering having a TAS block at AGDQ this year again and I contacted him to know what's possible and whatnot.
    Pros : Well, it's a fast thing. Death TAS will be done in a whim, for instance. It's also possible to put it in 2P so we can have a race vs Master, or vs Death fighting the TAS and emphasizing the differences in speed. If anything, we can put two things at the same time, like secret grade and Master TAS as long as it doesn't get too cramped and all over the place.
    Cons : (I'm currently in the process of killing the cons, one after another) Number one : Mihara will probably have a heart attack. Number two : It seems for now pretty hard to emulate. The best thing I have been told is to make it an emulator thing, which will be even worse (especially given the framerate differences that will just show the thing as it is : an emulator, and will mess up people's timings). It's also probably not a good thing to just put this one alone, but it's hard not to look at it when putting two things together. Last but not least : I need the input files and making sure people are okay with giving the TAS to be displayed (sent PMs already)
    Special preference : zzymyn's Death TAS might be awesome. A race "get M before it gets GM" would personally be my dream right now. Currently looking for a Supergun TASbot

    And then, some additional stuff that could happen during one of the modes :

    - Races : Having both players compete in completing the game could be an interesting donation incentive that would not change the planning in terms of screen time.
    Pros : It reinforces the feeling of TGM as a speedgame and shows consistency if both players make it, or a game done correctly if one of the two misses the mark :p
    Cons : It's a bit hard to follow, especially if commentary about the game is made during the play since commentators must describe everything of importance. In the pier21, people do not give out descriptions of DAS, IRS etc but still have to talk 100% of the time, even in a final round with 3 players left.
    Special preference : TGM1 since it's been shown that a TGM1 race can give pretty interesting things
    - One handed stuff : We can make an incentive "player is one handed", or even have a bid war "left hand vs right hand". If suggested properly, people could get into it.
    Pros : It shows how simple the game can actually be, and it's a fun thing (can have some jokes about drinking your beer or w/e).
    Cons : If it gets in a race, we might have a more asymmetrical race for both players when there's no real need to. That mainly implies that everyone does it one-handed and some people are more trained at it than others. If it's not in a race, we might not get to see good records and that implies that the game is well known when it's a new demonstration.
    - Drunken c_t
    Pros : It's fun
    Cons : People might say no (just a hunch though)

    Keep in mind, we can put several things at the same time. We can have a bid war race vs one-handed, we can have doubles mode one-handed, we can have drunk c_t racing his left hand vs his right hand... Anything is good as an idea for now, I'll just talk it out and decide if it's a good idea to submit.

    The video/pitch (useless now):

    The video I'm about to show (for now) is made with clips from Awesome Game Replays, and it's interesting, but I do believe that the video will have to be clearer and shorter to look nice as it is. At least, explain some additional stuff with incentives (I might take care of a new video)

    Also, think about the 350 characters pitch that will have to be given with the submission. The guidelines are in page one of the SDA forum topic.

    My tentative :

    Tetris the Grandmaster

    "Tetris the Grandmaster is a series made by Japanese firm Arika in an attempt to make it a dynamic Arcade Tetris time attack. This one-hour demonstration will show the first two games of the series to show the mechanics, the consistency and speed related to it, and maybe, seeing the matrix. Planning"
    TODO : Add the planning

    I am currently thinking of suggesting invisible without clearly mentioning it, I think seeing the matrix is interesting enough. In any case, if you want to rephrase the description go ahead!

    Anyone would like to discuss things, go ahead :)
    Last edited: 13 Oct 2014
  2. Yup, that's freaking good news for now, we got past first cut!

    Nothing is set yet though, we'll need to wait until they decide on a date for the final decision...

  3. I updated the first post with the donation incentives, don't hesitate to have a suggestion!

    Right now, I'm discussing the possibility of using True's TASbot that has been very helpful for the TAS block at AGDQ 2014. Right now I'd like to send him temporarily a PCB of the game so he can test it asap, but if you have any other idea I'm willing to hear them :)

    If anyone has a PCB and can send it, tell me where you are by PM or facebook message, any little help will be needed! Thank you very much.

    Edit : That includes sending a supergun/a fully functional arcade set, AND have your records reset. If you wish to make that step, it will benefit everyone greatly for AGDQ!
    Last edited: 10 Sep 2014
  4. Kitaru phone

    Kitaru phone Unregistered

    I have a lot of concerns with sending my equipment considering how ghetto rig my supergun is and how expensive the game board is. (Plus, I need my kit to practice the game properly.) I wouldn't mind quite as much sending a spare TGM1 to play with, but that leaves some question about reliability with TAP then being an untested game and still leaves the supergun issue.

    I'd also prefer not to reset NVRAM unless we could restore it. I have a lot of history on this board in terms of section times, records, co-op performances, and some remaining Japanese scores from when it was received.

    I do wonder how a JAMMA supergun would work out. The game doesn't really poll for input in the way that the other TAS bot consoles did; you just have some (GPIO?) pins for each input. Maybe you could use the video composite sync pin as your timing source instead?
    Last edited by a moderator: 10 Sep 2014
  5. I still need to get things sorted out to start streaming again, but the supergun is up and running once more. TGM/TAP derust begins.
  6. And past the 2nd round cut! :)
  7. Okay! So a lot of things have happened, the planning changed but we are in there!

    More to come, might get to a new thing and call for help this weekend, so stay tuned!
  8. Edited first post.

    TODO : Redo the opening video for the new planning

    We are in the AGDQ submission list. We have one hour of showtime to show them our moves!

    Here are several Google docs to keep track of everything. That includes :

    Commentary spreadsheet :
    Material :
    Contributions of any kind :
    Planning (read only) :

    The commentary spreadsheet will help people to say stuff during the event. It will be filled soon, it's an actually hard one but I guess everyone can give suggestions for now and I'll see what happens. Same for the material : Though it's more of a thing for people who'll get there, I think it's nice that some people actually give advice through google doc commentary if they see something unusual.

    Thanks in advance!
  9. The material spreadsheet is "can comment" only rather than edit, but I put comments on some fields in the spreadsheet with numbers for myself and what I recall for ct & Kevin.
  10. Changed it for you guys. Normally you can write down what you have and what you plan to bring, should make things a bit simpler.

    Also, don't hesitate to add categories if you think something's missing (specific wires, for instance)
  11. If need be, I can fire up tedige and/or photoshop and make some animations, like
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I don't know how it would be integrated into the livestream though.
  12. Muf


    Powerpoint presentation with colour key :p
  13. I do want to take a moment to thank everyone for their effort. I'll be going over the commentary part at some point, right now I don't really have enough time to continue the work but next week will be holidays, so I might have time to go over everything that has been written :)
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Unregistered

    Thanks so much for putting this together, can't wait to tune in!
  15. This was me haha
  16. Hi everyone! AGDQ is coming soon!

    I wanted to have one final moment to set everything straight, so I basically wanted to have everyone in the chat room to talk a few things out

    We'll talk about :

    Donation incentives
    Final planning
    Tee shirts
    Few things

    It will happen Sunday (tomorrow) at 9 pm CET. That's noon in the west coast, California and 3 pm in Waterloo. Stay tuned and have a great one!
  17. BUMP!

    Just wanted to wish you guys the best of luck on Wednesday. I've been tuning into some of the runs. Really looking forward to your exhibition.

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