Jewelry Master Twinkle

Thread in 'Strategy' started by Kitaru, 29 Dec 2009.


    No seriously, let's start working out scoring and such. I'll try to upload some score videos soon so we can have some examples.

    Base scoring values:
    Gem clears:
    Primary color: 200 points per cell
    Secondary color: 400 points per cell
    White: 1000 points per cell

    Line clears:
    Single: 100 points
    (How do things get handled if you don't fully fill a row but all elements in it are removed? I mean, if you had a bunch of L stones filling two rows, and you clear one to rid of most of the other, does it round up to a "double?")

    I think a one step cascade is worth 1000 points? It adds a cascade bonus at the the end of the cascade delay.

    There seems to be some other score bonus for connections or something along those lines. I sometimes see values with the number of cells removed as a result of the clear multiplied by some coefficient when I'm doing testing. (e.g. Base score value would add up to x * 400 for clearing a secondary color, but I get an extra x * 10 or something as well.)
  2. I worked out the scoring of the original 1.07 PC version, but I know it has definitely changed since then. I'll see if I can dig up my notes... It should be a decent base to work off of.
  3. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    scoring is totally different for PC version. MUCH higher. A particularly good joined white gem on the PC version could easily crack ten million (watch the replays).
  4. I meant it changed between 1.07 and 1.40, though I wouldn't be surprised if it changed again for Twinkle.
  5. Ok, I found my old notes and data. It's not fully complete or anything, but basic gem clears (all attached, and only 1 group cleared, not chained) were worth:

    c x 20 x (n + c + (n x level))


    n is the number of gems cleared.
    c is the number of colours in the gem (1 (primary), 3 (secondary + two primaries), or 7 (white + three secondaries + three primaries).

    And lines were:



    Minos is the number of units removed.
    Bravo is 10 if you happen to bravo, otherwise 1.

    As you can see this features TGM style level-based point inflation. I don't think that's the case in Twinkle. Here are my top questions needing answers:

    -Is there level-based point inflation?
    -Is there a bonus for playing quickly?
    -Does it matter if cleared gems are joined or seperated?
    -Does chaining matter?

    I'll try to answer some of these when I get some time for research. I wouldn't mind knowing how the level increments exactly either. I think there's level stop but only at 998.
  6. The answer to these, as far as I can tell, is no and no. Which is good! It really simplifies our analysis.

    Kitaru I've started collecting data to see if white gems really are always worth 1000 etc. They seem to start out that way but become more and more valuable. Here's my data, collected only in Normal Mode, using contiguous white gem combos. It's by no means comprehensive, but it's a start.

     3:  3,000
     4:  4,000 ||  4,400
     5:  5,000 ||  5,500
     6:  6,300 ||  6,900
     7:  7,350 ||  8,050
     8:  8,400 ||  9,200
     9:  9,900 || 10,800 || 11,250
    10: 11,000 || 12,000 || ?
    11: 12,100 || 13,750 || ?
    12: 13,800 || 15,000 || ?
    13: 14,950 || 16,250 || ?
    14: 16,100 || 17,500 || ?      || ?      || 19,600
    I've noticed the shape you make has an effect on the score:
    If your combo contains a 2x2 square, you get a bonus of 100 points per gem.
    If your combo contains a 3x3 square, you get a bonus of 150 points per gem.
    If your combo contains a 2x7 rectangle, you get a bonus of 250 points per gem?

    The base combo values increase like this:
    For combo size 3-5, 1000 points per gem.
    For combo size 6-8, 1050 points per gem.
    For combo size 9-11, 1100 points per gem.
    For combo size 12-14, 1150 points per gem.

    In general I would not be surprised if it continues like this, with each gem worth 1000 plus a combo size bonus of:

    (combo size - 3)/3 * 50

    Where the division is standard, truncated integer division.

    So the big new question is:
    -How exactly does the shape bonus works?

    If we could answer that, then we could in theory predict the points from large contiguous white gem clears... A big milestone.
    Last edited: 31 Dec 2009
  7. So, thanks to tons of data gathered by Edo and myself, I think we now have a perfect understanding of shape and size bonuses. It'll be wiki'ed soon enough, but for now you can view it here:

    All that we're missing is to generalize to non-white colours, and to figure out line clear and cascade scoring. These things look pretty simple by comparison, so we should have total understanding of the scoring soon.

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