Challenge: [TGM] Avoid the single

Thread in 'Competition' started by K, 4 May 2009.

  1. K


    Here is a very good way to improve every TGM player stacking strategy. I really think that for most people here, the balance between speed and stacking efficiency is not "harmonious".
    I'm pretty sure this challenge result will give "interesting" result, not as usual. mfm will probably be on top, where amnesia.... well if this guy can complete a run....

    Rules :
    - Reach lvl 999 (required)
    - Less single you perform, higher is the rank.
    - Grade and final time don't matter.
    - 20G code autorized.
    - playing on texmaster is ok (lines count are directly displayed on screen)
                                |    Lines count        |
    | Rank | Name               |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |       comments         |
    |   1  | K                  |   0 |  -- |  -- |  -- |                        |
    |   2  | Amnesia            |   5 |  48 |  13 |  37 | Block box              |
    |   3  | Kitaru             |  35 |  63 |  18 |  19 | Tex. Normal mode       |
    |   4  | colour_thief       |  50 |  50 |  45 |  0  | TGM1 No Tetris run     |
    |   5  | kotetsu213         |  53 |  48 |  18 |  20 | Tex. Special 08/05/20  |
    |   6  | rednedef           |  60 |  31 |  10 |  34 | Texmaster olllld run   |
    |   7  | COL                |  86 |  35 |  11 |  25 | Tex. Special 09/04/10  |
    |   8  | KevinDDR           | 104 |  37 |  13 |  19 |                        |
    |   9  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  10  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  11  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  12  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  13  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  14  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  15  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  16  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  17  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    |  18  |                    |     |     |     |     |                        |
    Last edited by a moderator: 9 Sep 2011
  2. Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    Texmaster: GM, 999 @ 11:45:58 (olllllllld run)
    60 singles
    31 doubles
    10 triples
    34 tetr*s
  3. K


    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    Texmaster normal run
    Single : 22
    double : 34
    triple : 14
    Tetris : 40

    I was expecting more enthousiasm here... especially if this exercice can only improve people overal strategy.
    so let's fill out this table from what i found...

  4. K


    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    filled out the board with few screen shot i found...
  5. Muf


    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    I can't reach 999 in any of the games, so 46 singles, 18 doubles, 2 triples, and 20 tetrises at level 608 (Texmaster Special) is the best I can do. Sorry for being shit [​IMG]
  6. K


    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    sorry but let's go better next time ! reaching level 999 is required [​IMG]
  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    Just for today, move me on 2nd :

  8. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    ha ha.. [​IMG]

    C'est qui le Grand Maitre du stacking ?? [​IMG]

    I add that it took me 2 attempt to set my record yesterday, and maybe 4 or 5 this morning for this last record.
    For the case where c_t and jago would be tempted to think that I spent 2 whole fucking days to compensate my "poor" consistency..

    And considere you lucky that I am still on keyboard, these fucking fingers made me failed a wallkick, I had level 450 with 0 single during a several attempt [​IMG] ..

  9. K


    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    so, anybody to shut up this dipshit ? [​IMG]
  10. COL


  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    shut up who ??

    Tiens prend ca petite salope !!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]


    je vous massacrerai tous..
  12. Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    Eh, not bad. Things got a little out of hand and I had to make a bunch of singles to get things in order, though...

    On the bright side, I got to do this awesome kick a few times.
  13. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single

    slightly better..less doubles..I was at 0 single around 800.. [​IMG]

    1 | Amnesia      | 11 | 48 | 19 | 31 | Block box  
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Re: [TGM1] Avoid the single



    ID replay : 37904
  15. K


    it is outdated.. since i already made a no single run ages ago.
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  17. COL


    11 singles.
    Thread ressurection!
    EnchantressOfNumbers likes this.

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