Records 10 | 0:45:78 | TI-WORLD | DIGITAL 12 | 0:45:05 | TI-WORLD | kotetsu213 30 | 1:44:56 | TI-WORLD | Lardarse 12 | 0:51:36 | SRS-X | caffeine 13 | 1:16.53 | SRS-X | jujube On Heboris with these settings, SIMPLE-40L (40 LINES) INIT LR MOVE: off (X) SPEE 1200 LINE CLEAR (syoukyo): 0 ARE (syutugen): 0 SPAWN Y TYPE: FIELD IN Rotation systems banned: ACE-SRS, ACE-ARS, ACE-ARS2, and DS-WORLD What is the lowest number of lock delay frames (settyaku) you can survive while completing 40 lines? Include which rotation system you used and the time it took. Time will separate players with the same lock delay record. I am aware of the differences between rotation systems, but I can't do much about that since the developers didn't separate step/move-reset and floor kicks from the rotation systems.
Knew I was forgetting something--the hard one of course. Hm, there should be one more stipulation. All the SRS systems, excluding SRS-X, are the same except for how many rotations/movements they allow. The player is required to use the one which allows the least (or can pick non-SRS). Anyone know which one allows the least? edit: n/m figured it out (thanks wiki).
Heh, it was supposed to be an eight but I guess that also works. By the way, for people that don't know how to make presets, open up heboris.ini and scroll to the bottom. In "FAVORITES," the second to last section, you can either replace the existing presets or add to the list.
Rotation: SRS-X Lock Delay: 13 Time: 1:16.53 would have topped out with the final piece placement if it hadn't cleared a line.
In that case, can you make a category for Lockjaw, which does separate these settings? I'd suggest these fixed options: gimmick: 40 lines well width: 10 enter above ceiling: off speed curve: death max entry delay: off randomizer: history 6 rolls rotation system: any floor kicks: 1 lockdown: step reset lock delay: Make this as low as possible line clear delay: 3 frames clear gravity: naive initial sideways motion: off To make an without turning it into a smiley, do 8) .
there's a couple problems. the number of lock delay values would decrease, so you'd have more people clumped in the same values. no 20g double rotation. also, lj can't accurately handle instant das in 20g.
SRS-X and Ti-WORLD seem about the same difficulty to me. also i disabled IRS which helped. the image says heboris style IRS, but it definitely wasn't on. oh, and i don't think the DAS can be higher than 13 frames with 12 frame lock delay. gave myself as much time to think as possible
yeah, turning off irs helps. remember you have to change it in heboris.ini or it'll keep turning itself back on. so i'm confused now, what's your current record?
I just tried this and kinda failed with 30... When I can get 30, I'll post. How do you take a screenshot?