Blockbox in English --> Site has been launched

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Deniax, 17 Mar 2009.

  1. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Dear Tetris Concept members,

    I'm happy to announce the English version of Blockbox is now live on

    An important issue: Players who already had an account on the Dutch platform, your highscores are still there, but you now have an English flag (which shows
    that you are playing on an English site).
    You can still logon the Dutch site, but please, don't set Single Player records [​IMG] This because if you do, the highscore server will show:

    2. Deniax
    3. Deniax

    So the highscore list wil be crowded with double names. You can logon the English site with the username&password you used for the Dutch site

    To change your password, avatar, or other setting, visit the settings page (press settings on the main page).

    From now on, please forward people to this site in stead of the Dutch one.
    Have fun guys and thank you all for making Blockbox such a success! In the beginning there won't be many players, but hopefully this will change soon!

  2. Can we still use the dutch site if we prefer it? Or is it only to be used by dutch people?
    And I don't know if it's because I'm european, but I've been able to figure most of the dutch text out, easy to understand for me.
    I suppose the timezone would suit me better on the dutch servers aswell (although the people playing there who isn't from TC generally aren't very good)

    My dutch "account" has an english flag in the game, but on the english site I have the dutch flag. (even though my location is set to Sweden)
    But I will point all my friends to the english site from now on, needs more people. Thanks for the update. [​IMG]
  3. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Of course, you can use the Dutch site, but if possible, don't play Single player games there as multiple Burbruees will fill up the highscorelist [​IMG] If everyone on TC does it, the visible top 20 will be full of duplicate names.

    And yes, the English site needs people, so promote it to all your friends so we can start a nice community!
  4. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    Do we use the same login info or make a new account?
    I'm getting an invalid user name message.
  5. Ai


    Thank you for the accounts. Very much appreciated!

    LOL! Was this data randomly generated? I was indeed born in February on the 13th though, but the rest is wrong. All wrong I tell you! Just edited my profile. ^^

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I always knew you were a Margaret, Ai. [​IMG]

    Sounds great, Deniax! I'll be sure to check this out after I get my finals done today.
  7. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    M: Hmm seems I forgot to convert your account [​IMG]
    I can transfer your account tomorrow. Or if you don't want to wait, you can create a new account on the English site, but then, all your highscores will be deleted.

    Ai: That account was already registred by another user (Margaret), but wasnt used for 4 years, so I gave that account to you, but did not edit the name [​IMG]
  8. Muf


    Margaret! Margaret!
    There's a gentleman here, wants to know have we got any books on Medieval English Music dating between 1356 and 1390?
  9. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    no worries i was wondering if i was doing something wrong. I'm at work right now anyway.
  10. wow launched already huh, sweet.
  11. it took me at least half a minute to find blockbox, but i guess you can't remove all these other spelpunt games off the page

    ha the lobby is called TConcept nice!
  12. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Build20090317-1756 is installed

    New features

    - String of garbage is now the same for all players which makes the game much more fair
    - Peeking is made impossible
    - TPM & LPM now only updates when you've played 40 lines or multiplayer games and takes an average of your last 20 games
    - Ratingchange has been altered to make it more fair.(It now works individually against every player and then it adds up all the points that would have been gained if you'd won individually against someone of that rating and then subtract all the losses as well.

    - Fixed bugs

    - 2 second cool rule in Marathon 3 has been fixed
    - Watching Marathon 3.5 replays now also shows the shot clock
  13. I can't seem to logon to the english site.
  14. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I tried signing up for gamepoint, but it didn't recognize as a valid e-mail address. (A plus sign in the local part denotes sub-addresses.) I managed to sign up using a different sub-address scheme (, but the terms of service and privacy policy were blank.

    I tried editing my profile, but the months weren't spelled correctly for American or British English; it looked like someone had done [month.replace('y', 'i') for month in months], or however you spell that in Java. I managed to work around that, but then I couldn't save because it said street address was required, and the boxes didn't match up with the typical address format in the United States and Canada, which puts the house number before the street name and the zipcode after the state/province.

    I managed to change my password, but Current Email was misspelled as "Currten Email".
  15. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Quad: PM send:

    Tepples: Thanks for the pointers. The site itself is very beta, I just launched it so people could play Blockbox in English , that works. Most of the issues on the site can be worked around like you did. It takes a bit of a hassle, but those issues are going to be ironed out.
  17. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Thank you, so far.

    This is the profile screen:
    I just don't know what the boxes by "Number" do, or where to put in the state/province. Some countries are divided into states or provinces. (On this map, gray means a country has states; blue means it does not.)

    Oh, and "United States" [​IMG]
  18. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    *adding it to the todo list

    Boxes next to the number is if your streetname has a number like " 20G "
  19. Deniax, I have a question.
    On the dutch site, you said you would be nice and give VIP accounts to friends of TC members, correct?
    How does those account carry over to the english platform? One of the friends that I introdoced to the game that just tried it out said he needed to re-register.

  20. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    Not all names were carried over. If he wants to take his highsores with him, tell me his playername and I will convert him to the new site. If not, he can register on the English site and I will make him VIP again [​IMG]

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