Here's the clones I know of. 1) Heboris (and UE, UE light, and Mini) Status: Withdrawn by authors. No longer obtainable from the original sources. Pretty accurate. Some versions on torrent sites now. 2) Texmaster. Status: Hosted by many TetrisConcept members. Fairly high accuracy. 3) KGM for GBA. Status: Unknown. Not very popular. 4) NDS_TGM. Status: Withdrawn by author after discovery that it was being sold on flashcarts. Pretty accurate. Still available from other sources. 5) Blokkendoos (some modes). Status: Available, playable online only at the moment. TGM clone modes are highly accurate. 6) L2Stack. Status: Available. Known to be innacurate in the past. 7) LTAP engine. Status: Console Binary Alpha available online. Incomplete, but what is there is highly accurate. GM Online. Status: not yet released. Will use LTAP engine for maximum accuracy. 9) Novanova. online game. Status: Offline for now. 10) NullpoMino. Status: Available, but not widely. Appears pretty accurate. 11) JIZLOST for Cell phones. Status: Available. 12) Syboris/Syoboron. Status: Available. Not very accurate. And numerous private clones that are, to the best of my knowledge, nut available. I'm only attempting to list the games are are a) intended as clones, and b) are widely avaialble, ro were widely available. and, of course, we have TGM (plays best in ZiNC) and TGM2 and TAP, playable in MAME once again. These are unlikely to vanish anytime soon, but require roms from your original and still owned PCB to be legally playable. Lockjaw isn't really a clone, but does allow similar gameplay. I'm still wondering about tesselate, which seems like it could be made into one. If I'm missing any that are under active development, are pubically available, or were publically available, please add them to the list. No links outside of TC, though. (I linked LTAP console alpha because it's in a thread on here.)
The terminology I'd use is that Tessellate is an engine with a number of parameters that could be used to create clones of other games (or indeed new games). I wouldn't say that Tessellate itself is a clone. If anyone would like to help, I have started a TGM emulation project here, the goal of which is to enter the exact parameters for different modes.
I don't know anything about timings, but I know a few things about the inaccuracies in NDS_TGM. 1. Even in TGM and TAP modes, the I piece wallkicks (not floorkicks) like it does in Ti. 2. Section COOL!!s and REGRET!s are not implemented 3. I don't think the TGM and TAP mode double-lock prevention works right. It simulates Ti's behavior instead. 4. TGM mode doesn't make the master or 20G mode timings stay constant. They still act like TAP/Ti. Not sure if anyone was interested
That's not a bug, you can select the operation type by going to options and then to the key settings. You can select between TGM, TGM2(TAP), and TGM3(TI). The latter being the default setting.
It is a bug. What I meant was, even if you set the behavior setting to TGM or TAP, the I still wallkicks. I also have a couple more: The credit roll plays for 100 levels instead of a length of time. Even in master mode your level can advance to 1099 (or 1100, I'm not sure because I haven't reached that yet). The bgm for master mode is always the Ti music, even if you change the background setting for that mode. 20G and Shirase are too. Death is always the TAP music.
I think this is intended game behavior, seeing how the level system is set up to act as score. Rather than have a finite end to the roll, part of your score comes from endless invisible survival.
I didn't think anyone would remember! It's available again: Credit rolls don't work but otherwise classic (TGM1) and death modes should be fairly ok. Lots of stuff left to do.
Well, my rule about not posting links here doesn't apply to the authors of said clones, obviously. However I did not wish to turn this thread into a clearing house for TTC to go handing out C&Ds. So keep this in mind if you post links here, okay? That said, if any authors of clones wish to state whether they would pull them if people had a legal and affordable way to play the real thing, feel free to do so.
Eh... I forgot about that It should be fixed as of right now, though. It was one of those things I've been planning to do but it's just not been done yet. You should see my to do list, it's huge >_>
Bug. When clearing lines, the credit for placed piece is not given. Credit for placed piece shoud be given AFTER credit for cleared line, and after lines are cleared. This is important for dealing with level stops. A tetris at the level stop should give you 4, +1 after breaking the the level stop. Compared against TGM.
A developer might create a clone of something because the original product is expensive, or because there are legal obstacles to using the original product. But there is another reason. A developer might wish to take a good idea and create the best implementation of that idea that they can. For example, he/she might add value by integrating it with something else (a community, the web, ...), or by adding training tools, or by adding experimental new multiplayer ideas, or adding replays, etc. etc. If this was a reason for development, then I doubt the developer would care as much as much about the first two reasons.
Well said. I envision GMO to be more of a TGM4 than "yet another clone". As I own a Type-X with Ti myself, my own Tetris game is not a substitute for playing Ti, but more of a collection of things I would like to see in the next iteration of TGM (online play being right at the top of the priority list). I hope Mihara will end up playing it someday
Games can be inspired by others without being a clone. Honestly, Tetris Semipro-68k is sega tetris 2. TGM is Sega Tetris 3. It's also Tetris Semipro-68k 2. Most clones add nothing new, really. That's why i left Tesselate and Lockjaw off the list. Naturally ones i have not played yet i know less about. But the standard I'm going by here is 'Would it make Mihara mad?" (chuckle) and i think nearly everything on my list qualifies under that one. I do hope that Mihara eiter beats you to it, or decides that you beat him to TGM4, and buys it from you.
The Definitive Plus, formerly known as kotet, is neither under active development nor publicly available, but I kind of wish it were. Sometimes while I'm listening to music I want to play a lightweight clone with no music or sound effects of its own. Plus, it was the first clone I was able to play extensively, so I kind of have a soft spot for it.