Records: [TAP] M-Roll Invisible Resistance

Thread in 'Competition' started by K, 23 Oct 2007.

  1. K


    maybe it's time to create a ranking table for this stuff

    |      |                    |   Best   |  Max  | Average 12 | Average 12 | Average 12 |
    | Rank | UserName           |   Time   | Lines |    Time    |    lines   |    inp     |
    |  1   | jago               |  0:61:06 |  ???  |   0:54:36  |     -      |     --     |
    |  2   | Amnesia            |  0:50:~~ |  ???  |     -      |     -      |     --     |
    |  2   | Digital            |  ~50sec  |  ???  |     -      |     -      |     --     |
    |  2   | colour_thief       |  ~50sec  |  ???  |     -      |     -      |     --     |
    |  3   | Rosti_LFC          |   37sec  |  ???  |     -      |     -      |     --     |
    |  3   | kotetsu213         |  0:42:8~ |   -   |     -      |     -      |     --     |
    |  -   |                    |          |       |            |            |            |
    |  -   |                    |          |       |            |            |            |
    |  -   |                    |          |       |            |            |            |
    Last update on Sep 28 03:30AM (Belgium)

    General rule :

    Try to survive as long as you can in M-roll

    i just know that every "competitor" need to use MAME with cgwg M-roll cheat. if we use the cheat at level 900 for running chrono display purpose, is it ok about the gameplay values ?

    Average 12 rules :

    - start .inp record after nvram deletion (optional)

    - try 12 successing attempt

    - remove the best time attempt

    - remove the worst time attempt

    - calculate the average time (resting_attempts_time_addition / 10)

    - calculate the average lines (resting_attemps_lines_addition / 10)

    - report your result

    - post your zipped .inp file (optional)

    i would like to introduce the average 12 in this table for several reason :

    - ranking become more fair and representative of players skills

    - M-Roll acuracy is more important than just a lucky try

    - take far less time need managment than T.A. Death or master mode

    - take advantage of the .inp file !
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Sep 2009
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    They can do 50 sec as well !!?? [​IMG]

    Dawn.. [​IMG]

    If it is true, remove me from the first place..No need to bet my average is not the same as colour_thief's..

    I do around ~31-32 [​IMG]
  3. Could you possibly remind me how I activate the full m-roll, and not just the semi-invisible one?
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    invisible ON

    instant ON

  5. K


    can somebody give me the invisible cheat ? [​IMG]

  6. I second that. Or the cheat code that you need to enter. I've only got the level cheat on mine.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    :tgm2p:62000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:P1 Level 
    :tgm2p:60000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:Activate invisibility after selecting game mode 
    :tgm2p:00800000:06064ba5:00000010:00000010:P1 Invisibility 
    :tgm2p:62000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:P1 Next 
    :tgm2p:62000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:P2 Level 
    :tgm2p:00800000:06064f59:00000010:00000010:P2 Invisibility 
    :tgm2p:62000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:P2 Next 
    Courtesy of cgwg and copied from a topic buried somewhere on TC.
  8. I tried it on Death, and got a time of 1:04:73

    I'll do another run on Level 900.

    EDIT: Did one, managed 37 seconds.
  9. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    For those who want to practice on a GBA or DS or someone else's PC before trying it on the arcade emulator, how close are the following Lockjaw settings to this competition's standard?

    • Well width: 10
    • Well height: 20
    • Enter above ceiling: Off
    • Speed curve: Death 300
    • Max ARE: 250 ms
    • Randomizer: History
    • Hold piece: Off
    • Rotation system: Arika
    • Floor kicks: Off
    • Lockdown: Step reset
    • Lock delay: SBSC
    • Line clear delay: SBSC
    • Clear gravity: Naive
    • Gluing: Off
    • Garbage: None
    • Max sideways delay: 166 ms
    • Sideways speed: 1G
    • Initial sideways motion: Off
    • IRS: On
    • Diagonal: Off
    • Hide blocks in well: On
    • Next pieces: 1
  10. LJ players are at a disadvantage because, as I've stated in the LJ thread, invisible mode is a lot more difficult without any sort of line clear animation.
  11. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Then I just need to get 0.39 out.
  12. Level 300 on Death is also faster than 999 on Master. I can actually survive reasonably well at the latter speed, but not the former.
  13. K


    in TOTAL invisibility ?

    Tepple :

    - TAP have a slight flash for each locking tetramino, maybe it can help to instant invisibility memorization and final position confirmation

  14. Yes. That was on TA Death though, which is slower than Master 999
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Strongly exact !

    DEATH 300 and MASTER 900 are almost the same speed, but ARE and lock delay are set differently..

    If you don't lock, DEATH 300 is a bit harder, if you manually lock, MASTER 900 is potentialy faster..

    I have tried to compare with P1 at MASTER 900 and P2 at DEATH 300, it is the same speed..

    PS : my best is realy 50, no need to put a "~" [​IMG]
  16. Seeing as they are both 20G, surely different ARE and lock delay implies a different speed?
  17. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Death 300 has much faster ARE than Master 900. But does this setting to approximate Master 900, based on wiki info, come any closer?

    • Speed curve: Death
    • Max entry delay: 12 frames (200 ms)
    • Lock delay: 17 frames (283 ms)
    • Max sideways delay: 8 frames (133 ms)
    • Other settings: As for TAP
  18. This thing is sadistic. My best time is 42.86 or 42.88 or something, 42.8x, I'll try to make an .inp tomorrow maybe.
  19. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I agree with you about the values, I was totally wrong in my precedent post.. [​IMG]
    But this scheme does not seem to represent the real thing..Maybe there is an error in the wiki..

    I will perform more accurate comparison..
  20. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    On a same session of ~10 attempts : 44 and 45 sec .. [​IMG]

    If I have not yet reached 60 sec before April, I definitly give up.. [​IMG]

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