Records: [Lockjaw] BLIND 40 Lines/180 Seconds

Thread in 'Competition' started by makalaka, 20 May 2009.


    --40 LINES--
    --EASY MODE--
    Default rules (see the other topic), plus...

    Randomizer is

    --HARD MODE--
    Same as above, plus...

    Good luck.

    --180 SECONDS--
    --EASY MODE--
    Same rules as Easy above

    --HARD MODE--
    Same rules as Hard above
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Sep 2009
  2. Cleared 40 lines at level 40
    on 2009-05-20 at 01:18
    Played 102 tetrominoes in 1:13.61 (83.13/min)
    (active time only: 1:08.78, 88.97/min)
    Pressed 425 keys (4.16/piece)

    Made 40 lines
    (single: 12; double: 6; triple: 4; home run: 1; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)
    Sent 18 garbage (14.67 per minute)
    Left 8 blocks behind

    LJ score: 7600

    Well: 10x20, Enter: Above
    Speed: Zero, ARE: 0 ms
    Randomizer: Bag + 1 of Tetrominoes
    Hold: Off, Rotation: SRS+initial
    Lock: Never, Deep: Off
    Line clear: 0 ms Naive, Gluing: Off
    Drop score: None, T-spin: 3-corner T
    Garbage: Off, DAS: 133 ms Instant
    Soft drop: 1G Slide, Hard drop: Lock
    Shadow: Color, Next: 0

    Cleared 180 seconds at level 76
    on 2009-05-20 at 01:35
    Played 212 tetrominoes in 3:00.00 (70.66/min)
    (active time only: 2:50.68, 74.52/min)
    Pressed 855 keys (4.03/piece)

    Made 76 lines
    (single: 8; double: 9; triple: 2; home run: 11; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)
    Sent 65 garbage (21.66 per minute)
    Left 84 blocks behind

    LJ score: 20600

    Well: 10x20, Enter: Above
    Speed: Zero, ARE: 0 ms
    Randomizer: Bag + 1 of Tetrominoes
    Hold: On, empty, Rotation: SRS+initial
    Lock: Never, Deep: Off
    Line clear: 0 ms Naive, Gluing: Off
    Drop score: None, T-spin: Off
    Garbage: Off, DAS: 133 ms Instant
    Soft drop: 1G Slide, Hard drop: Lock
    Shadow: Color, Next: 0
  3. Ai


    I didn't try the harder challenges as this was difficult enough for me. These results are in line with my skill level from about a year ago without all the restrictions.

    Cleared 40 lines at level 40
    on 2009-05-20 at 13:51
    Played 103 tetrominoes in 1:19.05 (78.17/min)
    (active time only: 1:14.11, 83.38/min)
    Pressed 414 keys (4.01/piece)
    Made 40 lines
    (single: 15; double: 6; triple: 3; home run: 1; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)
    Sent 16 garbage (12.14 per minute)
    Left 12 blocks behind
    LJ score: 7200
    Well: 10x20, Enter: Above
    Speed: Zero, ARE: 0 ms
    Randomizer: Bag + 1 of Tetrominoes
    Hold: Off, Rotation: Arika
    Lock: Move reset, Deep: Off
    Line clear: 0 ms Naive, Gluing: Off
    Drop score: None, T-spin: 3-corner T
    Garbage: Off, DAS: 116 ms 1G
    Soft drop: 1G Slide, Hard drop: Lock
    Shadow: Color, Next: 0
    No replay because I thought I could do better... I never imagined not using the next piece preview would have such negative effect on my performance. I did experiment not using hold in the past and it doesn't affect my performance so much. I only use 1 next piece preview in lj at all times. Time to learn to use more I guess.

    Cleared 180 seconds at level 74
    on 2009-05-20 at 15:02
    Played 203 tetrominoes in 3:00.00 (67.66/min)
    (active time only: 2:51.21, 71.13/min)
    Pressed 684 keys (3.36/piece)
    Made 74 lines
    (single: 4; double: 5; triple: 0; home run: 15; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0)
    Sent 75 garbage (25.00 per minute)
    Left 68 blocks behind
    LJ score: 22400
    Well: 10x20, Enter: Above
    Speed: Zero, ARE: 0 ms
    Randomizer: Bag + 1 of Tetrominoes
    Hold: Off, Rotation: Arika
    Lock: Move reset, Deep: Off
    Line clear: 0 ms Naive, Gluing: Off
    Drop score: None, T-spin: 3-corner T
    Garbage: Off, DAS: 133 ms 1G
    Soft drop: 1G Slide, Hard drop: Lock
    Shadow: Color, Next: 0
    Replay included. Even though I didn't use the next piece preview it will show the amount of pieces you have currently set in your lj settings. Bug?


    Thanks for detailed reply tepples!
  4. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    There are three components to a running game of Lockjaw: the playfield, the controller, and the view. Replays save only the playfield; states of the controller and view that do not affect the playfield (e.g. ghost, preview) aren't saved.

    • pcjoy.c turns raw keypresses (e.g. Z, S) into virtual keypresses (e.g. Rotate Left, Hold)
    • macro.c handles DAS, IRS, and the like, turning virtual keypresses into a vector of (shift distance, rotation, soft/hard drop, lock/hold)
    • Lockjaw Engine proper (lj.c, gimmicks.c, random.c, speed.c, wktables.c, etc.) acts on this vector, updates the playfield, and produces a list of events that happened on the previous frame such as entry, rotation, shifting, landing, locking, and line clear, and a list of rows of the playfield that have changed. Notably, random.c always assumes eight previews; the view is responsible for hiding those that are turned off.
    • ljpc.c updates the playfield display, and it updates the preview, hold, score, etc. upon events
    • pcsound.c translates Lockjaw Engine events into actual sound output
    • ljplay.c coordinates the whole thing during gameplay
  5. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    Ai: aren't you supposed to have T-spin recognition turned off for 180 seconds? it would be a shame if you made one to fix your stack and your score was disqualified.
  6. Ai


    You're right jujube. I played lj on another PC and forgot to change the default T-spin detection setting. I rarely use T-spins anyway. I watched the replay just now and as expected I didn't use it.

    If necessary I can play again. I'm confident I can still do better. ^^
  7. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Provided you don't involve a T-spin in a back-to-back chain, you can recalculate the score using the LJ scoring rule: 100 for a single, 400 for a double, 700 for a triple, 1200 for a home run, 200 more for a back-to-back home run.

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