You know the game! Play Death mode between now and April 1st. See if you can beat a rival who is above you on the ordinary Death records chart, but is too inconsistent to beat you during this week. Code: jago -------------- 960 @ 6:32:35 colour_thief ------ 758 @ 5:00:46 kotetsu213 -------- 586 @ 3:51:61 matt_hatter83 ----- 570 @ 3:40:20 Amnesia ----------- 500 @ 3:28:18 Edo --------------- 500 @ 3:31:81 DeHackEd ---------- 459 @ 3:15:25 Rosti LFC --------- 456 @ 3:02:23 Billmaan ---------- 423 @ 3:21:65 Kitaru ------------ 419 @ 3:13:55 cdsboy ------------ 399 @ 3:04:15 Mr. Antisocial ---- 399 @ 3:24:40 Bou --------------- 373 @ 3:09:16 Ghett0 ------------ 366 @ 3:01:20 Caithness --------- 331 @ 2:53:91 EIHoppe ----------- 326 @ 2:28:93 Lardarse ---------- 81 @ 1:04.58
I'll get things started with 587 3:54:33. I was practically falling asleep while playing... I'm looking forward to playing on 3/25 proper after a good night's sleep.
So before anybody goes all like "Ghett0 therez nao wayz you brake 300!!!!111111", I just did it again in Texmaster. This time I have a video.
I'll settle for 758 5:00:46 for today. Also, I've added Bou and Amnesia, who are both extremely tired and extemely busy with schoolwork. Good on them participating... Hopefully they will have some time this weekend for stronger trial.
this morning session result in Texmaster : Code: 0 - 886 -> 05:52:86 0 - 645 -> 04:13:63 0 - 575 -> 03:53:33 0 - 544 -> 03:39:96 0 - 500 -> 03:28:55 0 - 499 -> 03:27:15 etc....