So... CT and I agreed to have a bit of a challenge. We're going to be doing something against each other, and we're not going to explain what we're doing either. No interference please. This will just be for the two of us. player: colour_thief OZZJS IOOIS ZZZLO LSZZS ZO Tetris demonstration diagram player: Lardarse ZOLZS SSSSJ OIOOO SSSSS ST Tetris demonstration diagram
Hmm... why are the piece sequences different? That's not how TGM versus usually works. Then again, I don't even know if this is TGM-style
That's what I was assuming, but I thought there would be restrictions. Otherwise what's to stop them from sending all Ses and Zs? Maybe that's not actually what they're doing...
One would assume it's Human Bastet. The objective would be to deny your opponent all possible lines, whereas you could still get some lines with Z and S.
Wow, that's *exactly" what I invented in High School (you know, those booooring <insert your mother tongue here> courses). Take a graph paper, make some 10x20 playfield, start distributing pices. We weren't able to send SZ sequences or to similar sequences (OOOOO for instance). The goal was either to count the number of hole at the end (we didn't line cleared), or to make the other player top-out first.