Code: Mode: 40 Lines =========================================================================== Name (Rot)Curve Time TPM KPT DD/MM/YY Controller =========================================================================== M.Bison --------- (SRS)Zero 00:26:10 236.78 3.04 11/12/08 Keyboard Maserati -------- (SRS)Zero 00:26:90 229.73 4.91 15/12/08 Keyboard DIGITAL --------- (ARS)Rhy 20G 00:28:20 221.27 2.75 06/05/09 Keyboard kx5 ------------- (ARS)Rhy 20G 00:29:90 212.70 2.90 05/09/10 Keyboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Star--------- (---)------- 00:31:71 ---.-- -.-- 01/08/09 Keyboard virus ----------- (SRS)------- 00:32:48 199.48 3.54 23/04/08 Keyboard fnord ----------- (SRS)Zero 00:33:80 181.06 2.92 10/05/08 Keyboard caffeine -------- (SRS)Zero 00:33:88 182.39 2.82 05/10/08 Keyboard Jan ------------- (SRS)Zero 00:34:56 177.04 3.00 23/02/10 Keyboard Kitaru ---------- (ARS)Zero 00:34:73 176.19 3.08 13/04/10 Keyboard kotetsu213 ------ (SRS)Zero 00:36:30 168.59 3.19 26/05/08 Keyboard Reveillark ------ (SRS)Zero 00:36.43 166.33 2.68 23/04/09 Keyboard Amnesia --------- (ARS)Death 00:36:68 171.74 2.83 13/12/08 Joystick -jay- ----------- (SRS)Zero 00:36:93 164.07 3.19 31/01/09 Keyboard KevinDDR -------- (SRS)Zero 00:37:05 166.80 3.33 14/02/09 Keyboard Paul676 --------- (SRS)Exponen 00:37:48 161.67 3.49 23/05/10 Keyboard Cultris Pyruz --- (SRS)Zero 00:38:43 160.79 4.12 27/09/07 Keyboard XeaL ------------ (SRS)Exponen 00:38:98 158.52 3.46 23/07/09 Keyboard Rosti LFC ------- (ARS)Zero 00:39.68 158.75 4.07 03/08/08 Keyboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- matt_hatter83 --- (ARS)Zero 00:40:10 151.12 3.31 31/12/07 Keyboard R.Poopmore ------ (---)------- 00:41:00 150.73 3.27 01/05/08 jujube ---------- (SRS)Rhy 20G 00:41:08 148.96 2.78 21/12/08 Keyboard Zircean --------- (ARS)Zero 00:41:73 145.20 3.03 05/12/08 Keyboard rednefed -------- (ARS)Death 00:42:16 149.40 2.94 25/12/08 Keyboard misterghostie --- (SRS)Zero 00:43:85 139.56 3.22 28/01/08 Gamepad recklessnessism - (SRS)Zero 00:44:71 138.20 3.21 07/05/08 Ai -------------- (ARS)Zero 00:45:70 135.22 3.30 25/06/09 Keyboard cdsboy ---------- (SRS)Zero 00:46:51 ---.-- -.-- 18/07/08 suitougreentea -- (---)------- 00:31:71 134.14 3.22 21/09/09 DS Kiruat ---------- (ARS)Zero 00:46:80 132.05 3.29 23/06/08 Keyboard Meroigo --------- (ARS)Zero 00:49:05 124.77 3.33 16/12/08 Keyboard Kevcel ---------- (SRS)Zero 00:49.10 125.86 3.55 24/03/09 Keyboard TWF ------------- (SRS)Zero 00:49:70 124.34 3.31 01/05/09 Keyboard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- iphys ----------- (---)------- 00:50:73 ---.-- -.-- 14/10/09 Keyboard reivilo --------- (SRS)Zero 00:51:26 125.22 6.78 05/04/07 Keyboard 4matsy ---------- (SRS)Zero 00:51:71 118.33 3.08 23/02/08 Jimtopia -------- (ARS)Exponen 00:53:65 114.07 -.-- 05/09/10 Keyboard Mozallica ------- (---)------- 00:54:00 113.33 3.55 03/10/10 Keyboard Samael----------- (SRS)Zero 00:54:78 112.80 4.12 27/06/09 Keyboard Benzadeus ------- (SRS)Zero 00:55:96 109.35 3.48 28/01/09 vtrickzv -------- (SRS)Exponen 00:56:13 107.95 3.67 23/01/09 Gamepad Ray Ayanami ----- (ARS)Zero 00:59.86 107.00 3.31 18/08/09 Keyboard Cubicz ---------- (SRS)Zero 00:58:98 104.77 3.05 01/04/07 tepples --------- (SRS)------- 00:59:38 108.11 3.55 16/09/06 Gamepad deepdorp -------- (SRS)Zero 00:59:65 112.12 2.91 23/10/08 Gamepad --------------------------------------------------------------------------- shoryu ---------- (ARS)Zero 01:01:18 100.02 3.35 11/01/08 kapat ----------- (ARS)Zero 01:01:95 101.69 3.40 18/06/08 chowmain24 ------ (---)------- 01:02:50 ---.-- -.-- 13/03/10 Keyboard Snoggums -------- (SRS)Exponen 01:11:16 85.15 4.31 16/01/08 kiwibonga ------- (SRS)Exponen 01:14:40 83.06 3.66 31/03/07 052WARP --------- (SRS)Exponen 01:14:88 83.32 3.24 28/10/08 Gamepad Crystory -------- (SRS)Zero 01:16:91 80.34 3.65 18/12/07 Lardarse -------- (SRS)Gameboy 01:19:75 77.49 3.76 04/02/08 Gamepad Lewis ----------- (SRS)Zero 01:19.90 79.59 3.92 08/02/09 eks ------------- (SRS)Exponen 01:26:73 71.94 3.60 27/12/07 Captain Irony --- (SRS)Exponen 01:27:75 64.95 4.82 12/07/07 hephe ----------- (SRS)Zero 01:36:13 65.53 3.80 10/07/07 herc ------------ (ARS)Zero 01:37:38 70.23 4.31 10/07/07 mask ------------ (ARS)Exponen 01:39:16 61.71 3.64 04/02/08 Bloodstar ------- (SRS)NES 01:49:41 62.51 4.37 22/04/07 Code: Mode: 180 Seconds =========================================================================== Name (Rot)Curve Score TPM Lines DD/MM/YY Controller =========================================================================== Maserati -------- (---)------- 69,400 171.00 204 23/09/09 Keyboard M.Bison --------- (SRS)Zero 67,500 171.00 197 16/09/08 Keyboard Reveillark ------ (SRS)Zero 62,000 171.33 202 17/02/10 Keyboard caffeine -------- (SRS)Zero 61,800 152.66 178 13/01/07 Keyboard kotetsu213 ------ (SRS)Zero 59,000 154.00 176 18/05/09 Keyboard Jan ------------- (SRS)Zero 57,800 144.94 172 03/02/10 Keyboard Paul676---------- (SRS)Zero 57,100 141.30 167 23/05/10 Keyboard Maserati -------- (SRS)Zero 56,900 174.66 203 11/05/08 Keyboard fnord ----------- (SRS)Zero 51,100 132.32 157 12/05/08 Keyboard Cultris Pyruz --- (SRS)Zero 48,300 129.00 153 24/09/07 Keyboard DIGITAL --------- (SRS)Zero 47,300 123.00 141 03/06/07 Keyboard mat ------------- (ARS)Zero 46,100 127.00 147 26/07/06 Keyboard misterghostie --- (SRS)Zero 45,800 119.33 138 08/12/08 Gamepad Ai -------------- (ARS)Zero 41,700 106.33 121 18/05/09 Keyboard rednefed -------- (ARS)Zero 41,100 117.33 139 25/12/08 Keyboard Rosti LFC ------- (ARS)Zero 40,900 119.00 139 03/06/07 Keyboard iphys ----------- (---)------- 40,900 ---.-- --- 28/09/09 Keyboard Fask ------------ (SRS)Zero 39,200 98.00 114 12/02/08 deepdorp -------- (SRS)Exponen 35,600 91.33 104 17/10/06 Gamepad tepples --------- (SRS)Exponen 35,200 89.66 102 18/10/06 Amnesia --------- (ARS)Death 34,100 133.65 157 01/08/08 Joystick 4matsy ---------- (SRS)Zero 31,200 87.33 102 03/06/07 cdsboy ---------- (SRS)Exponen 30,300 78.00 91 17/10/06 052WARP --------- (SRS)Exponen 29,100 78.66 85 28/10/08 Ray Ayanami ----- (ARS)Zero 21,700 76.00 83 15/01/09 Lardarse -------- (SRS)Gameboy 18,700 65.66 77 03/02/08 Gamepad Lewis ----------- (---)------- 18,700 61.33 63 08/06/08 Code: Mandatory Settings =============================================================== Mode: 40 Lines [ ]Width x Height: 10 x 20 [ ]Piece set: Tetrominoes [ ]Hold piece: Empty [ ]Deep drop: Off [ ]Clear gravity: Naive [ ]Garbage: None Mode: 180 Seconds [ ]Width x Height: 10 x 20 [ ]Piece set: Tetrominoes [ ]Hold piece: Empty [ ]Deep drop: Off [ ]Clear gravity: Naive [ ]4x4 squares: Off [ ]Scoring: LJ [ ]Drop Scoring: None [ ]T-spin detection: Off [ ]Garbage: None When posting a score, make sure to copy it from lj-scores.txt in the Lockjaw directory. Please state which controller type you are using if it is any different than what is on the leaderboard. A replay is highly appreciated and recommended. When posting a replay, please also state the version you are playing on. Try to play on the most updated version (0.46a currently). You can customize LJ with skins found here (all credit goes to Rich Nagel) and on the forum.
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Any chance you can pull mine until I have a more determined chance tonight? I wanna start my target-chasing on a clean slate. For me that means going for more "normal" rules than my casual playing.
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Cleared 40 lines at level 60 on 2007-05-27 at 21:46 (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Rhythm) (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=16 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=3 pieces) Played for 0:51.11 (active 0:45.99) Played 102 tetrominoes (119.72 per minute, 133.09 per active minute) Pressed 278 keys (2.72 per tetromino) Made 40 lines (single: 27; double: 3; triple: 1; home run: 4; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0) Sent 9 garbage (10.56 per minute) Left 8 blocks behind LJ score: 5800
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Cleared 40 lines on 2007-05-27 at 21:30 (rot=Arika, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Zero) (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=133 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=3 pieces) Played for 0:42.46 (active 0:37.36) Played 102 tetrominoes (144.11 per minute, 163.78 per active minute) Pressed 320 keys (3.13 per tetromino) Made 40 lines (single: 4; double: 4; triple: 4; home run: 4; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0) Sent 28 garbage (39.56 per minute) Left 4 blocks behind LJ score: 9600
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Code: jp01309 (Jono) -- (SRS)Zero - 00:33:58 - 184.01 - 3.10 - 27/05/07
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds it has to be good for speed, right? it works ok with 20G, only you have to change the way you stack a little. if you want to try it just set the speed curve on death and lock delay on never. then you can take your time while learning how you have to stack to survive. then if you get lucky your stack is low when you've finished 40 lines
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Cleared 40 lines on 2007-05-28 at 13:06 (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Exponential) (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=183 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=8 pieces) Played for 1:02.80 (active 0:58.13) Played 104 tetrominoes (99.36 per minute, 107.33 per active minute) Pressed 360 keys (3.46 per tetromino) Made 40 lines (single: 5; double: 6; triple: 1; home run: 5; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0) Sent 31 garbage (29.61 per minute) Left 12 blocks behind LJ score: 10200
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds what's active minute? can't find it in the manual. you can find keys per second by (kpt*tpm)/60. my idea is that kps has a lot to do with success in forty lines. my record shows about 8 kps, and jono has 9.5 kps. reivilo, you are pressing over 14 keys a second! that's crazy. can we see a replay?
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds when DIGITAL and i were compiling the stats here we weren't 100% on reivilo's kpt because it seems so high. it's possible 6.78 is accurate, but if you watch 2 lockjaw replays in a row the kpt stat after the 2nd replay reflects the number of keys pressed from both games, which could explain this. then again, he might be superman in Rosti's 3rd game here his kpt was 16.99.
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Active time is when you're not waiting for line clear delay, cascade delay (in non-naive gravity modes), and ARE. This then lets you calculate a "Quadra TPM".
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Cleared 40 lines at level 60 on 2007-06-02 at 00:38 (rot=SRS, lock=Move reset, rnd=7-piece Bag, spin=3-corner T, speed=Rhythm) (grav=Naive, drop=None, are=0 ms, das=16 ms 1G (60 Hz), shadow=Faint color, next=8 pieces) Played for 0:48.76 (active 0:43.60) Played 101 tetrominoes (124.26 per minute, 138.99 per active minute) Pressed 281 keys (2.78 per tetromino) Made 40 lines (single: 29; double: 4; triple: 1; home run: 1; T single: 0; T double: 0; T triple: 0) Sent 6 garbage (7.38 per minute) Left 4 blocks behind LJ score: 5200 ljm
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Nice, you broke the 50 second barrier! You also broke the 2 piece a second barrier! Wow, thats a pretty insane keys per tetromino, Good work man! - Jono
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds thanks Jono now i have just one more piece per second to go it's great to have this leaderboard here now, it's a strong motivator. edit: video
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Ah, I see. Lol That would be the stoner side of me, missing the obvious. - Jono
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds How do you make your screen look like the one in your video, I just installed lockjaw 0.32 and the screen looks pretty shity. My configurations- Width=10 Height=20 EnterAbove=1 Rotation=SRS FloorKick=Unlimited Lockdown=Move reset LockDelay=Set by speed curve LineDelay=Set by speed curve Hold=Empty Randomizer=7-piece Bag ClearGravity=Naive SpeedCurve=Exponential TSpin=3-corner T Square=0 ARE=Off Scoring=LJ DropScoring=None Garbage=None DAS=1 DASDelay=10 InitialDAS=1 IRS=1 8Way=0 SoftSpeed=0 SoftDrop=0 HardDrop=1 NextPieces=8 NextAbove=0 Shadow=Faint color HidePF=0 SmoothGravity=1 ShiftScale=0 Trails=1 NextPos=Next at right Side=Left AutoPause=1 AutoRecord=0 Windowed=1 Skin=cDocuments and Settings\Owner\Desktop\New Folder (2)\docs\ If anyone has any tips on which of those to change let me know. ty
Re: [Lockjaw] 40 Lines & 180 Seconds Here's the skinning section of the readme. Also, you should update to the newest version 0.36.