You can propably obtain a time 10 to 15 seconds slower if you clear more singles. It's amazing that there are players who achieve Gm with a time faster than the time you got at level 500. Post more score attack times! I'll update the OP a little later... ;
jin8 obtained Gm in 07:34:75 with a score of 305122 and then there's DDS with S9 in 08:34:23 with 301257. Maybe there are more players. So yes, breaking 300k is definitely possible. I updated the OP with the new leaderboards. As mentioned in an earlier post I moved the TAP Normal reverse score attack leaderboard to this thread. I copied all the concerning post over here as well. Now I only need to find a way to implement a medal ranking.
I added 2 medal tables for the different TAP modes that award medals (Master, T.A. Death and Big Block mode). For the Medal Table the method of sorting is similar to the Olympic medal table ranking system that is most commonly used. It's a combination of the medal count ranking systems gold first and total number acquired. The placement on the ranking is first determined by the total amount of medals acquired without taking into consideration what metal those medals are. Thus the more medals you gather the higher your rank on the leaderboard. When players have the same amount of medals the table will be sorted by the number of gold medals. In the event of a tie in the number of gold medals, the number of silver medals is taken into consideration, and then the number of bronze medals. Medal conditions can be found on the TAP wiki page. You're free to submit your achievements in the different modes. I'll use the comment section to indicate the mode used. At first I didn't plan to use the total number of medals as a requirement before looking at medal colour. Though I think it's more challenging to gather more medals. And implementing a weighted ranking where different points are awarded for the various medals would make things needlessly complex in my opinion. For the Medal Collection Table the same rules as above apply, but without first looking at the total amount of medals collected. So obtaining gold medals is the main attraction in this case. As opposed to the other ranking you don't have to get the medals in one single game. I hope it all makes sense and sorry for the simple leaderboard format. Feel free to make suggestions if you believe there are better and fairer ways to represent player skill level.
Normal mode time attack: ¨Pretty decent score since I didn't do a single combo. And master mode score attack:
Nice cyberguile. I added a TAP Normal time attack leaderboard. I played a short session and here are the results: For the Master score attack ranking I added the score I got when I first obtained Gold SK. I'll try to do better later. EDIT: Small improvement.
Master score attack, second try tonight: S9, 999 @ 11:26:30 317439 score, only silver CO (largest combo was 6) First try: 269k with a gold CO, silver SK Tips: Combo stacking a la Normal Mode is needed as much as feasible throughout the game. In particular, try to rack up tetris-double/triple-double/triple combos after the speed increase at 700. For safety I played standard pyramid stacking in the last section. Abuse level stops while you safely can in the first 3 sections. Avoid holes at all costs. TAP's randomizer screws you over much less than TGM1's, in my experience: I could hardly play a complete score attack game on TGM1 while my first two tries went the distance in TAP. Here is a representative, regular S9 game with scores at the end of each section. Some are approximate as I was unable to find a good time to pause the game at the section change for IRS or other reasons. Code: Section Score Change Notes 000-100 9613 +9613 100-200 23984 +14731 200-300 39852 +15868 300-400 ~59000 +19148 appx. after a single at ~403 400-500 78486 +20486 500-600 104473 +25987 600-700 133772 +29299 700-800 172065 +38293 800-900 ~215000 +42935 appx. after a single at 807 900-999 242720 +27720 stack ran into some trouble around 920 Therefore, if you're trying to score attack, you should be able to beat this score. My style of play emphasizes tetris clears above speed, though, and I get 240-260k on average. Edit: For medal collection, you can safely put me down for Code: AC - bronze ST - gold SK - gold RO - bronze (when trying to get it on purpose) RE - silver CO - gold Edit Edit: So make it gold RE. Game turned out to be an S8 where I suicided on the credit roll.
Thanks for the insightful explanation rednefed. Very impressive 20G combo stacking and congratulations with all the medals.
20G Big S8 @ ??:??:?? since my phone is slow as dick going into camera. >:[ Level 799. Gold SK, ST, AC, and Bronze CO. My most inconsistent mode. 75% of my games end in 20 seconds.
439 in 5:41:50 in TGM+ 20G Mode. This mode is hard. Of course, I'm sure someone better at the game could clear it, right? Anyone want to take up the challenge?
We don´t have this thread already ? Or I am confused and we only have TGM+ with ITEM. I am a little bit bored by the Master mode, where I decided to never stop until : 1 : I die 2 : I beat Edo. So let´s take some rest with a TGM+ 20G.
A 4th attempt just tonight : I quietly and slowly died in being unable to solve the hole in the center.
Cyberguile, that's a good one for the medals challenge, too! Gave score attack a few more tries. Never got a gold CO, but set a very nice record. S9, 999 @ 10:51:65. Score: 345085. Weakest sections were 400-700, did pretty well after there.
Fastest silver RE: Btw, for the medal table: